Friday, March 02, 2007 5:13 AM
2 Clubs – Negative




          2♣ openers have two main ways to show negative hands without controls. One is a jump to the 3 level in diamonds , hearts & spades & and an immediate club raise. These bids all show 6 card suits or longer with no controls. The other is a direct 2 response which shows no controls but could hold up to 12 HCP.  There are no further understandings after 2,  as slam is usually out of the question.


          The correct game is still an issue after a 2 response to a 2♣ opener.. Since we open strong 2 suiters with a 2♣ opener , we need a way to find the best fit after a 2 response. When the 2♣ opener holds the boss suit & any two suiter with spades as the anchor suit , there is no problem. Two suiters with diamonds are opened with a strong 2 so no problem there either.


          The fact that partner has bid 2 interferes with opener showing heart two suiters. I think a relay should be introduced in this one auction only. 2♣-P-2-P



          I think responder should be forced to bid 3 on this auction with any hand type. This allows the 2♣ opener to describe her hand further. 3NT shows a balanced hand with hearts. 4♣ & 4 show a two suiter and 4 shows a 5-6 with enough strength for a 5 level preference. Spade two suiters with hearts would of course be shown via spades as the anchor suit. 4 would show the heart one suiter that is better than a Namyats type hand.


          Partner opens 2♣ with ♠Ax AKQ10x x ♣AKJ10x  and partner bids 2. Responder holds ♠Q10x Jxx xx ♣Qxxxx and must bid 3. Partner now bids 4♣ so now you can bid 4 or 5♣ to end the auction or 4 to say your hand is useful for clubs. Partner leaps to 6♣ with that encouragement and you are in the correct slam.