March 02, 2007 5:13 AM
2 Clubs – Negative
openers have two main ways to show negative
hands without controls. One is a jump to the 3 level in diamonds ,
hearts & spades & and an immediate club raise. These bids all show 6
card suits or longer with no controls.
The other is a direct 2♥
response which shows no controls but could hold up to 12 HCP. There are no further understandings
after 2♥ , as slam is usually out of the question.
correct game is still an issue after a 2♥ response to a 2♣ opener.. Since we open
strong 2 suiters with a 2♣ opener , we need a way to find the best fit after a
response. When the 2♣ opener holds the boss
suit & any two suiter with spades as the anchor suit , there is no problem.
Two suiters with diamonds are opened with a strong 2♦ so no problem there either.
fact that partner has bid 2♥
interferes with opener showing heart two suiters. I think a relay should be
introduced in this one
auction only. 2♣-P-2♥-P
think responder should be forced to bid 3♠ on this auction with any hand type. This
allows the 2♣ opener to describe her hand further. 3NT shows a balanced hand
with hearts. 4♣ & 4♦
show a two suiter and 4♠
shows a 5-6 with enough strength for a 5 level preference. Spade two suiters
with hearts would of course be shown via spades as the anchor suit. 4♥ would show the heart one suiter that is
better than a Namyats type hand.
opens 2♣ with ♠Ax ♥AKQ10x
♣AKJ10x and partner bids 2♥. Responder holds ♠Q10x ♥Jxx ♦xx ♣Qxxxx and must bid 3♠. Partner now bids 4♣ so
now you can bid 4♥
or 5♣ to end the auction or
to say your hand is useful for clubs.
Partner leaps to 6♣ with that encouragement and you are in the correct slam.