Monday, April 28, 2003 4:03 AM
2/1 with a fit
In Bridge theory, it is a given to show a good suit with a fit before some other feature of the hand like a
singleton/void or a systemic bid like Jacoby 2NT. Experience shows that this
information is far more important for slam purposes and making competitive
decisions then showing a singleton . Therefore , in some instances it is required to bid a 2/1 with a 4 card fit with partners
major rather then a splinter or a
Jacoby 2NT bid.
partnerships should have some understandings worked out dealing with this issue
.Luckily there is an idle bid available to describe these 4 card fits after a
2/1 . It is normally useless to make a jump
preference for partners major after a 2/1 as it is game forcing anyway .
Playing “Serious 3NT” we do not need to jump around to show extra so use the jump to show a 2/1 with 4 trump . It should
not be interpreted as a splinter as splintering in partners suit is a no-no.
You hold Kxxx x xx
AKQ10xx and partner
opens a spade . Splintering is just plain
wrong as the club suit is the dominant
feature of the hand . Using Jacoby 2NT hides the club suit also so
it is best to bid a 2/1 . Partner now rebids 2♥ so now what . Jump
to 3♠ ! 2♠ is absolutely forcing so it can be done on all the 3 card support hands . You need a way to
show 4 trump on 2/1 auctions. A jump to 4♠ should mean the only reason why I went to the two
level in the first place as I have a fit with you and no outside controls .
Playing “serious 3NT” this should be a very rare bid .
These auctions should change your Q bidding style. Partner must have a good suit for these 2/1 bids. Therefore you treat
the queen of his suit as equal to any other control when you are Q bidding. For
example Axxx xxx x AKJ10x opposite KQJxx Ax Qxxx Qx and the auction goes
The queen in partners suit is gold and +1430 results.
other parts of the world , a lot of pairs would bid 3♣ as a fit showing jump . In Edmonton , we do not
subscribe to that bid except maybe as a passed hand or over after an overcall .
Since we love our splinters , we need a bid to describe these hands as a non passed hand . What if we had a bad suit
? Say Kxxx x Ax Kxxxxx ? Now a splinter is a more
appropriate bid as it is the best feature of the hand . If you held Kxxx Ax Kx Q10xxx , I would bid a Jacoby 2NT as the club suit is
nothing to write home about . Tom and I play the 3♣ jump after a major to show
any splinter and 3♦ asks.
Fit showing jumps make a lot of sense to me
. However , since we do not play them in Edmonton , we must bid 2/1 first and
then jump in partners major . This should clarify those auctions. Tom and I
play a fit showing jump at the 4 level ( flower ) but it is weaker and almost
pre-emptive like a jump to 4 of a major . We also play fit showing jumps as a
passed hand .