Monday, June 25, 2007 8:24 AM
2NT - Improving Partials
do not try to improve partials” is a IMP phenomenon. In match points , partials
are as important as Grand slams so you do improve partials in that game. In IMPS , if
you do not pass an invitational 2NT , it means that you have accepted the game
try somewhere . After a major opener & a forcing
NT , we have a luxury. With 2/1 non
forcing to game if suit rebid , you can improve partials as you can not have
a single suited hand with invitational values & not have bid 2/1 in the
first place.
are times where the invitational 2NT comes up where it is best to confirm that
you have the IMP’s understanding as opposed to the matchpoint viewpoint. You
make a T/O double & partner bids 2NT
invitational. You now bid a suit so is it forcing ? Yes it is , as
you just trying for the best contract.
It does not mean that you are
afraid that 2NT is going down with a shapely T/O double. You should not have
doubled in the first place so take your lumps in the 2NT contract by passing , if you are not interested in
anything further..
negative double at the 2 level
brings in the concept of “improving the partial” of 2NT. Partner opens 1♣ vul & the opponents bid 2♦. You choose to make a negative double with
♠AQ10x ♥Qx
♣Q987 , partner bids 2NT so now what ? This hand fits the “do not improve the
partial concept” as you would like to try a vulnerable 3NT if partner has club length. You bid
3♣ as an invitational bid as it can not be forcing ( you would Q bid ) . You
are also indicating a flaw for 3NT ( probably diamonds ) but you are announcing
HCP’s. Partner has 5♣ & with
diamonds double stopped you are rewarded with +600. All other negative doubles
at the two level have similar understandings in IMPS.
2NT-P-3♣ shows invitational values and is not just
improving the 2NT partial.
direct bidding ( competition
or otherwise ) we do
not have the problem of bidding
over an invitational 2NT anymore as we have decided that all 2NT bids by responder
are a one round force ( new suit ). This means that you have an obligation of
retreating to your suit with a minimum as that is the only non forcing bid.
1♠-2♣-2NT-P is forcing one
round. 1♦-1♠-2NT-P
is forcing one round as is 1♣-2♠-2NT .
“new suit 2NT” comes in when opener rebids at the two level after your one level response. We do not have to
worry what to bid over an
invitational 2NT since it is forcing one round. An age old dilemma solved ! 2NT
is a horrible contract to play anyway. Sometimes this gets us to Meckwell 3NT
games but we live with that.