Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:15 AM
2NT - Transfers
established partnership should have an understanding how to “super accept”
after a transfer with 2NT opening bids. My understanding is simple. If we accept the transfer , we have
“super accepted” . The reason for this understanding is that we sometimes have
“off shape” 2NT openers . J AQJ KQxx AQJxx is
a 2NT opener the way I play Bridge. Partner bids 3♥ as a transfer and I reply 3NT saying get out
of my face. xx KQx AQ10 AKQxxx You open 2NT and partner bids 3♥ and again you bid 3NT as your club suit is NT
course there are degrees of super acceptance. A jump to 4 of the major shows 4
trumps and an immediate Q bid would be a hand that exceeds the 2NT range in
support of the major. AKx Ax Axxx AQxx is a 4♥ Q
bid of a 3♥
transfer. This must show all 3 controls in one bid as you bypassed two
and re-transferring after a 3NT
response is a mild slam try. The reason for this treatment is that you insisted
on your major and did not choose Texas initially. If you just want to play 3 of
a major , use Texas transfers and hope they misdefend J .
like lump NT overcalls & openers
with similar understanding as
2NT bids with regard to transfers.
Sometimes you do not like to trap vul
vrs nv so you “manufacture” a NT overcall with a stiff major. AQ10 J KQx AJ109xx They opena NV 1♣ and you are vul.
Trapping is not the way to go so you overcall 1NT. Partner bids 2♦ as a transfer to hearts. 2NT is not a super accept. It says I do not like
hearts. NT is always reserved for not liking the transfer contrary
to many popular other treatments. Re-transferring is on after the 2NT non
with partner.