Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:19 PM
 5 Level Q Bids




          Playing Italian style Q bids , 5 level Q bids virtually do not exist. This is obvious as you bypassed KCB which you need to verify if your previous Q bids were 1st or 2nd round control.  The bid is even more rare when the strong hand is bidding at the 5 level to the limited hand. Fred Gittleman advises & I agree whole heartedly with him , that 5 level Q bids should be Exclusion Blackwood. Here is a hand from a Bermuda Bowl where exclusion makes the auction simple. ♠AQJxx AQJxx Axx ♣ void  You open 1 and partner bids a forcing NT. You bid a multi-purpose 3♣ and partner bids 3as directed. You bid 3 to show the heart jump shift. Partner has ♠Kx Kxxxx Kxx ♣xxx and bids 4 which obviously accepts hearts as trumps. She would have broken the relay to 3 , if she had a strong spade hand.


          Partner now bids 5♣ . This can not be extending the Q bidding to the 5 level. Why is the huge hand showing the limited hand a control ? The strong hand actually  takes control by bidding 5♣ Exclusion Blackwood. Partner bids 5 showing one Ace outside of clubs. The opener now bids 5 which can not be interpreted as a queen ask as queen asks do not exist with exclusion.( queens can be included in two control responses ) .  This must be a suit ask in spades. Partner with Kx of spades bids 7 .


          Exclusion Blackwood is a nice tool. You can use suit asking bids with the bid which makes it even more useful.  Make room in your system for it. Do not start Q bidding at the 5 level. Define an initial 5 level Q bid as exclusion Blackwood. I play Exclusion as most 5 level Q bids , immediate jumps to the 4 level in a minor after a major opener . After a 2/1 or response a jump to the 4 level where the context of the bidding determines that the bid is an obvious void is also Exclusion Blackwood. Of course , with a fit established , a jump to the 5 level is obviously Exclusion Blackwood. In the era of Italian Q bids , KCB is needed. Also welcome Exclusion KCB into the family.


          Here is a hand from Reno where a 5 level Q bid is impossible so we define the bid to be Exclusion KCB. BJ Trelford opens 3 vulnerable and my RHO doubles. I hold ♠AQJx AK1098 Qxx ♣K  & I decided to pass. If they have an accident and pass , it is 200 an overtrick & compensates for a slam . If they bid hearts , I will try for my slam by them playing 3 doubled. BJ is a disciplined pre-empter vulnerable so at worst his diamond suit is KJ109xxx or AJ1098xx and he does not pre-empt with outside Aces. LHO opponent bids 4♣ so around to me. Using our definition that initial Q bids at the 5 level is Exclusion KCB , I try and find out if BJ has both the AK . BJ bids 5 showing the diamond AK and I bid our baby 6 slam.


          Usually Exclusion follows the same KCB the partnership plays so it is easy on the memory. Kiz Fung plays a two control response to Exclusion where the queen is included in the responses. This is quite ingenious and works well.