Monday, July 25, 2005 11:01 AM

BART Sequences




         One little tweak to your system pays big dividends to your forcing NT structure. If you play both 1-P-2-P and 1-P-3-P  as weak jump shifts , you take the weak heart hands with 6 card suits out of the forcing NT structure. Also if you play a 2/1 in hearts over a spade non forcing to game when the suit is rebid , these invitational 6 card heart hand types also do not exist when you bid a forcing 1NT. You can take advantage of this and eliminate BART and really improve your forcing 1NT !


          BART was invented as an either/or bid to show the tough to describe heart invitational hands or strong minor suit hands with the forcing 1NT after a spade opener. With the above heart hand types removed , you do not need the BART convention anymore with your forcing 1NT bids. Better still, you have solved the spade/diamond problem and have a “BART like” structure for those spade opening bids and forcing NT response ! These treatments were introduced to me by Bryan Maksymetz , as they are an understanding in the Maksysmetz/Jacobs system.


          Since 2 can not exist as a weak heart hand after a forcing NT to a spade opener , give this bid the dual meaning of either an invitational hand with 5 hearts or a strong raise in partners bid minor. In the case of diamonds rebid , it is also a relay to 2. OK lets start with diamonds rebid. 1-P-1NT-P   2-P-2-P  this is a relay to 2 . 2♠-P-2NT-P   2NT shows the invitational heart hand and 3 shows the strong diamond raise.  BART using the heart suit !



          With clubs rebid after a spade opener , we do not need the heart relay as we can use the 2 bid a la BART. 1-P-1NT-P  2♣-P-2-P is simply an invitational heart hand with a 5 card suit. We do not need the dual meaning.  If we have a strong club raise or a spade raise with a doubleton , we bid the multi purpose 2. Since hearts are taken out of the equation, we can bid 2 as showing the strong club raise or a strong spade raise with a doubleton spade. Partner will “pattern out’ and bid 2 with 3 of them and 2 with a stiff heart. Partner can clarify her 2 bid after those bids. A direct jump to 3 by the forcing 1NT  after a 2♣ rebid shows a weak hand in diamonds.


          With heart openers and a forcing NT we have the luxury of a two spade bid to show the strong minor raises. With clubs rebid after a heart opener , 2 is still used as a forcing “noise” with 8-12 HCP. Partner can support hearts or bid diamonds to show a weak diamond suit and good HCP’s.


          Lets try an auction . Axxxx Axx AKxx x    opposite x Kx QJxxxx Axxx   . 1-P-1NT-P  2-P-2*-P  2-P-3-P  3-P-4*-P   4-P-5♣-P  7-P-P-P   J  


          Lets show  the 10 HCP hands with a doubleton spade honour :


                     1-P-1NT-P             1-P-1NT-P 

                     2♣-P-2-P               2-P-2-P

                     2-P-3-P               2-P-3-P