Wednesday, February 01, 2006 4:24 AM
Balancing & Equal level conversion
Balancing is an “art form” . You have shortness in their suit so you
read the situation that partner has not bid because she has their suit & no
suitable take out bid. Balancing is not
bidding your hand but bidding partner’s
hand. There is no difference
between a re-opening double in the balancing spot and a re-opening double in negative double theory. You should use the
same principles. In negative double theory , you bend over backwards to double
as partner has a penalty double of their suit. No difference when you balance
in the pass out seat !!
that when you balance with a suit & defensive values , you may have
immediately rescued the opponents
from disaster. A 2♣ or 2♦ or 2♥ balance is one of the most useless balances ever
devised when partner is trapping with their
suit. As per negative double theory , you do not need shape to balance with a double , you need defense. Equal
level conversion gets a work out to scramble to your best spot if
partner does not have a penalty conversion. If you have anything near 10 HCP
with defense and shortness in tier suit , you double. This is especially so if
a weak 2 or 3 is passed around to you in the balancing seat.
Equal level conversion and balancing go
hand in hand. You have a Q bid after a double to show a good hand with suit(s) .
If the penalty double conversion does not
take place , you are in scramble mode. It does not mean you had a hand too
strong to bid a suit immediately. You have intermediate jumps and Q bids to describe those hands. Equal level
conversion is the order of the day.
you are a passed hand
yourself , you can really take
liberties. AJ9xx Q10 K1098 xx . I was playing with a
tormentee who held this hand and the auction went 1♣-P-P-? She bid a spade and I bid 1NT and I
made overtricks in my partial. Good result ? No it was a terrible result in
that we let a huge opportunity go by. I held x
KJxx Qx AQJ10xx and they have no where to go in their doubled
contract(s) . In fact , if you double , they scramble vulnerable to their best
spot – spades ! +800 vrs our NT
partial L
odds are the only reason that 1♣ is passed around to you is that partner has an
opening bid with clubs. If she does not and bids 1♥ you make an equal level conversion to 1♠ and you have shown your hand ( spades & diamonds
with 10 HCP ) .Equal level conversion is a scrambling
tool used after off shape T/O doubles , re-opening doubles in
negative double theory and balancing doubles. The first priority in balancing
is to protect the reason why partner passed in the first place. Partner has trapped with their suit.
Barton had AQJ109 AKQxx xx x and I
opened 1♠ vul and
Lee passed as did my partner. Lucille had x
xx AJxx AQ10xxx so she
balanced 2♣ and I got rescued from a horrible set. This is a clear cut balancing
double ! Say you opened 1♣ with this hand ( add a queen to make it legit ) and
they overcalled a spade vul . What would you do if it got passed around to you
?. Partner has a penalty double of a spade over there so you double as you
would have left an old fashioned penalty double in with your hand . Would you
not ? The same re-opening double
thinking should apply in the balancing spot. Go for the throat first and
describe your distribution 2nd. You do not need the unbid major for
a re-opening double. You are not bidding your hand but partners. Do not rescue opponents when they may be
in trouble.
am positive that the reason why “modern bidders” open non openers so often
is they escape disaster time after time by the opponents rescuing them. Good
opponents make them pay for their bad risk taking with proper trapping & balancing techniques. Bad
opening bids and a passing partner should almost always equate to an instant disaster
for their side. Go for it !!