Friday, September 13, 2002 11:21 PM


Bergen Raises




            Mike Lawrence has written many articles on the power of the 4th trump in major suit auctions. For hand evaluation purposes the 4th trump is crucial for game tries , game bids  or deciding whether 3NT is a better contract than 4 of a major . A two of a major raise with 4 trump is a lot better hand than one with 3 trump . Standard methods show either / or with a simple raise . Knowing that partner has 4 trump , makes competing for partials easier and game bidding easier.  Marty Bergen has come up with an idea the one of a major and a simple raise should always just show 3 trump . This is descriptive and prevents a lot of marginal game try bids and jumps to game . I like this concept but then he had to come up with some ideas on how to handle the 4 card raises .


            To handle the  4 card raises , Marty decided that 1M – 3 M  should be pre-emptive (0-6 HCP ) . He then needed a bid to describe the normal 1M –2M with 4 trump . He decided that the 3♣ splinter had to be sacrificed ( at least with spades ) and he uses 3♣ to describe a 2 of a major raise with 4 trump . Since he has thrown away the major limit raise and made it pre-emptive he needs 3to describe limit raise with 4 trump.


            With a heart opener , he has not sacrificed splinters . This is because he defined 2 to mean any splinter . Therefore a 2NT rebid by the heart opener asks partner to describe the splinter suit and nothing is really lost as you are at the same level as an original splinter  . With the spade suit he has sacrificed the “game try” splinters and uses 3 as any splinter with 3 as the asking bid to determine the splinter ( for slam tries ) . So the only shortcomings of this treatment is losing some “game try “ splinters over a spade opener . This is countered by a good 4 card major suit response  structure .


            Bergen , being the ultimate scientist , has many other treatments that go along with this which in my opinion can be easily handled with Jacoby 2NT hands . He plays a jump to 4♣ as a BIG balanced raise, good 3-card support, too good for 3N. This can be described as a Value Swiss Raise with 3-trump . The 4shows a GOOD raise to 4; say 5-card support and around 8-10 hcp. He plays a 3NT jump as a limited 3 card raise.


            I am not too impressed with those 4♣/4♦ & 3NT  treatments . I prefer the Stan Cabay treatment for the 4♣/.4 bids . His view is that they should be “flower bids” . These show a jump to 4 of a major but showing where your values are ( around 8-10 HCP ) .By bidding your jump to  game bids this way you show additional information in case the opponents are in the auction or you want to try a slam .



1                ?               Jxxxx xx KQJ10x x                bid 4 as a 4 “flower”



1               ?              xx xxxxx xx AKQx                   bid 4♣ as a 4 “flower”



1                                 2  ( any splinter )

 2NT ( asks )                3 stiff spade , 3♣ 3 stiff in those suits


1                                 3  ( any splinter )

 3(asks )                   3NT ( stiff heart ) , 4♣ , 4 stiff in those suits


            Anyway , having a partnership understanding that a simple major suit raise always shows 3 trump is a big advantage . Covering all the 4 card raises at the 3 level can keep out the balancers and allows re-preempting tactics . Pitbull Pat & Susan already play  Bergen raises . I would recommend these bids for all the Pitbulls …