Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:27 PM
D.S.I.P. vrs Doubles/Undoubles
theory emulates forcing pass theory
when it is not obvious from
the bidding that you own the hand . In forcing pass theory the bidding makes it
obvious for both partners that the opponents are intruders. In many other
auctions it is not clear who owns the hand. The D.S.I.P. double in a
competitive auction says “I think we do own the hand “ and I requesting permission to take the push to a higher
level. If partners hand is suitable to take the push then he bids otherwise he
takes his plus by passing with duplication of value or an unsuitable offensive hand. The pass in D.S.I.P. says I
just prefer to defend ( maybe with a trump stack ) unless you have extra and
can ask my permission. to take the push . The underlying assumption with
D.S.I.P. is we own the hand
in a competitive sense and want to signal the fact . We are upper range or maximum for our bidding so we show
it by doubling or both partners just pass. D.S.I.P. doubles just asks a simple
question of partner . Do we play the hand or do they play it doubled ?
The reason we have this D.S.I.P. bid at our disposal is that we have
thrown out the trump stack penalty
doubles. We redefine the penalty double to mean I have defense and want to take the push rather then defend.
Partner can of course overrule this request by passing the double. A D.S.I.P.
double is an offensive weapon and that’s how penalty doubles occur by partner
converting the double. A pass may
be a trump stack penalty double and like negative double theory partner will
double with good defense and a willingness to take the push. At high levels this concept was born due to
the clockwise nature of the game of Bridge. Partner would bid rather then
double with an offensive hand and find too late and much to his dismay that
partner had a trump stack in the opponents suit. The D.S.I.P. concept avoids that trap by transferring the
decision to partner by doubling.
Contrast this with the double/undouble concept that was in
vogue years ago . The underlying principle with that treatment is that we knew
or highly suspected the opponents
owned the hand. The double was a “permission to sacrifice” unless
partner had enough defense to beat a high level contract. D.S.I.P. theory is
not like that although it may turn out that way if the partnership takes the
push and the analysis shows that the opponents could have made their contract.
The D.S.I.P. double is asking partners permission to make the contract rather
then sacrificing.
double/undouble was centered around the pre-empt in “obvious sacrificing “
auctions. On the other hand , D.S.I.P. theory involves opening bids , sound overcalls & take out doubles where it is possible that we own the hand later in the
auction due to being at the upper range of
our respective bids. D.S.I.P. is common when they are pre-empting , they are interfering with our NT , they are overcalling and we are making negative and responsive
doubles. D.S.I.P. comes about due to the wide
ranges of HCP’s of
takeout doubles , opening bids , responses , overcalls and negative doubles.
However , we do not have the luxury
of a 2/1 , demand two bid or Q bid to tell the partnership that we own the hand
right away. The only way we can attempt to say we own the auction later in the bidding is by making a D.S.I.P. double. This
double says I have a huge opening hand , response , overcall , takeout double ,
negative double , responsive double and on that basis we play the contract or they play their contract doubled. We do not have the nuisance
value of partner misinterpreting the double as showing a trump stack. The
D.S.I.P. double is an “anti- trump stack “ double.
forcing pass theory , when we double
we must play the hand or the opponents must play their contract
doubled.. Unlike forcing pass theory , if neither of us double , the
opponents play the contract quietly. There is no double asking partners
permission to sacrifice. You sacrifice or you do not. D.S.I.P. does not cater to pre-empts or, weak twos or jump
overcalls which are tools of the trade for sacrificing.
takes a clue from Doubles/Undoubles at the slam
level only . This is an
excellent tool to prevent pseudo sacrifices when the opponents voluntary bid a
slam after partner has bid a suit . The
principle of D.S.I.P. is
that trump stack penalty
doubles do not exist. Penalty doubles only come about by being converted
from a D.S.I.P. double . In slams it is folly to make a trump stack penalty
double of a voluntary bid slam by the opponents. This assumption allows you to
use D.S.I.P. theory like the double/undouble convention. Partner makes a bid of
spades on the auction and you have xxxxx void
xxxx xxxx and the
opponents bid 6♥ . You make a D.S.I.P. double asking partners
permission to sacrifice. Partner holds KQJ of
hearts and says thanks but no thanks. It is here the D.S.I.P. and
Double/Undouble theory merge.