Tuesday, August 10, 2004 5:59 PM


D.S.I.P.  Balancing Principles




Balancing obviously should be thought of for D.S.I.P. purposes to when they balance & also  after you balance. When partner fails to respond to an opening bid & a competitive auction ensues , penalty doubles apply  not D.S.I.P. doubles. This is the "pre-empt" principle as partner already knows a great deal about your hand anyway since you passed. This principle  also applies if partner passes originally in a competitive auction & comes in belatedly or supports partner later in the auction. D.S.I.P. theory does not apply.


            When your side balances,  you can use D.S.I.P. doubles to clarify the  situation. You hold Jxx Axxx Q10x ♣Kxx and the auction goes 1-3-3-4 

  P- P - ?    . This is the semi-balancing  balance of power D.S.I.P. double.

You have the 4th heart for offensive purposes with maximum defense for your previous bid , so you should double. 4X goes for 500 , 4 went one down !



Balancing is a very ambiguous art form so any help in clarifying the auction is gratefully accepted . I held ♠A10xx Ax  A109x ♣xxx , the auction went















This is a time to use the D.S.I.P. double. You have defense & you want to compete to 3. If partner has a trump stack in hearts , this contract doubled will be the optimum spot.


When partner balances & the opponents make a jump rebid , a double is always D.S.I.P. This is because in the balancing seat , partner does not promise perfect distribution soits very rare that you will catch someone with a trump stack your direction. 1-P-P-X  3-X is D.S.I.P.  so does not show diamond values.


When you have a good hand but a bad suit , the safe approach is to balance rather then giving the opponents the option for a penalty double by bidding directly.  I held this hand ♠KJ109  K10xxx KQx ♣x  and the auction went















Sounds like the opponents are in a 4-4 fit with a 4 –1 break . I would like to compete further with my hand so I make a D.S.I.P. double. Partner has ♠xxx Jxx Axx ♣QJ108  & converts for +500 . Change his hand to 4 small clubs and 3 has a good chance.


Support doubles & redoubles go hand in hand with D.S.I.P.  The purpose of a support double or redouble is to show a 3 card fit with partner. I held ♠Axx Axx AQxxxxx , the auction went 1-1-1-X  XX with the double alerted as a systemic heart raise. I redoubled to show a 3 card raise , the opponents leapt to 4. Around to me again & I am vul against not vul but 1 have 3 1/2 defensive tricks. I make a D.S.I.P. double saying I wanted to bid 4. Tom had ♠KQ10xx Jx 109xxx ♣x and we get to a beautiful 620.


Both not vul so this auction shows the D.S.I.P. 2nd double in action . Tom held ♠x Q1098x AKx ♣AQxx & the auction went















This is a classic D.S.I.P. double in the pass out saying I have lots of defense so I would not mind if we bid 5 or if your hand is defensive lets play 4x . I would bid 5 which makes unless they get a ruff. 4 makes so its a win - win.


When they balance after we open the bidding ,  we play the “over–under rule” . If the double is in front of the bid suit , it is D.S.I.P.  If behind the suit , the double is penalty. This principle applies to the overcalling side also. We can not make a penalty double in front of the suit in the balancing chair . BJ held ♠Jx Qxxx Axx ♣xxxx , they opened 1♣. I overcalled 1♠ & they doubled with a pass by BJ. Opener bids 2♣ so I compete with 2♠ which gets passed around to opener who bids 3♣. This bid gets passed around to BJ who doubles in the balancing chair. This double is not penalty by the “over/under rule” . I bid 3♠ which is cold for +140 .