Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:08 AM

D.S.I.P. - Pre-empting over Pre-empts




          In competitive auctions , we do not pre-empt over a pre-empt. In other words , when they pre-empt or make a jump raise or a leap to game & we bid game it shows values. I would go a step further and say our jump bid turns on forcing passes. You hold ♠KQx xxx xxx ♣Axxx and they open 1 . Vulnerable partner overcalls 2 and they bid 3. The 3 bid is a pre-emptive bid so our rule takes effect. A leap to game is not weak and says I think we can make 5. Just bidding 4 is a gross underbid as the opponents have mapped out a stiff heart in partners hand ( 5-4-3-1 ). Therefore your cards are pulling their full weight after a vulnerable two level overcall.


 There is a great danger in these types of hands that the opponents will bid again. As stated previously , this bid should turn on forcing passes. However , you have an obligation to partner in these forcing pass auctions to tell her what type of game bid you have. Is your hand a defensive hand type or an offensive hand type ? . I feel the leap to game should show a good hand but with the emphasis on trump values rather than a balanced defensive hand. Enter the D.S.I.P. double. I feel in these types of auctions a D.S.I.P. double should be a defensive type 5 bid. Partner most of the time with a 2 overcall after a 1 opening will deny spades so your double should not be interpreted as T/O and of course not penalty.


After your D.S.I.P. double , partner has a more accurate picture of your hand. When they bid again in a forcing pass auction , partner will more likely make the correct competitive decision after you have described your hand as defensive in nature. D.S.I.P. doubles quite often turn on forcing passes as you are telling partner we now own the auction. D.S.I.P. doubles  are an invaluable tool in all competitive auctions. Experts who do not play D.S.I.P. doubles are shooting themselves in the foot.