Tuesday, January 16, 2007 8:23 AM

Defense - 2 Basic Patterns




          Translating bidding into patterns & applying patterns is not an option for defending in Bridge . it is mandatory for each & every hand you defend. No exceptions !. If you do not have a tentative “lie of the land “ or blueprint of the hand , you do not know how to defend , period. No ands ifs or buts. You must apply patterns. I was playing against a Tormentee with a person I am mentoring last night where failure to apply the simple basic patterns changed a top to a bottom. What are the basic patterns ? These are the trump suit & opening lead patterns.


          The Tormentee was in 4 after he had pre-empted 3. I led the spade queen and the board came down with ♠AK1098x Kx AJxx ♣K     & you have Jxx xx Kxxx ♣Axxx. The Tormentee won the spade Ace and led a heart to his queen which won. The Tormentee led another heart and I won the Ace. Give the Tormentee his due that he has QJ 7th  for his pre-empt and the trump was 7-2-2-2 around the table. This is the first basic pattern you apply , as it’s the trump suit pattern. The 2nd basic pattern you apply is the opening lead pattern. If partners spade queen is singleton, you always have a natural spade trick 6-3-3-1 . I switched to a club and my partner won the Ace and returned a spade hooking himself out of his natural spade trick for me to ruff with a trump I can not hold. The tormentee was +450 in a hand we had beat off the top with 2 clubs , a spade & a heart.


          Note the difference when an expert defender applies patterns. BJ Trelford in Reno held ♠AK7x KQxxx Jxx ♣x  and nv vrs vul opponents I opened 1. The opponent bid 2 vul vrs not and BJ decided to “play the vulnerability” and passed. As expected , I re-opened with a double and all passed. When you are long in their suit , it is best that you lead you longest suit. Accordingly BJ led his K and the board hit with x J109xx Axxx ♣xxx . Declarer won the heart Ace and returned a heart so what now ? You apply the two basic patterns of the trump suit & the opening lead suit. The trump suit should be 6-4-2-1 and the opening lead suit is 5-5-2-1 with partner holding a stiff. BJ knows I have two trump so it will not hurt if I ruff the heart as it saves his king for an exit card later. I ruff with a small spade and return the diamond King won by declarer on the board. Declarer leads a spade & I play the 9 of spades and declarer has ♠QJ108xx of trump and plays the queen. BJ wins his king and returns a club. I win my AKQJ of clubs and return the club 10 which declarer ruffs with 8. Now another good play by BJ as he fails to over ruff ! BJ now has promoted his spade 7 for the 3rd down trick and we get +800. They were in an unmakeable 5 at the other table.


          Patterns , do not defend or leave home without them. Always at least apply the two basic patterns. Experts apply all the patterns but if that is too tough , stick with the two basic patterns.