Monday, June 04, 2007 3:02 AM

 Diamond Strong Jump Shifts




          By definition , a strong jump shift into diamonds can only occur after you have opened a major. If you have found a way to show strong jump shifts in clubs after a major opener , either by bidding 2NT ( 5-4-3-1) or 3NT ( 5-4-2-2 )  you can include diamonds in the multi purpose club SJS. This means that a 3♣ strong jump shift would show all strong jump shifts except ironically clubs (unless distributional with clubs - bid 4♣ after the relay ) . Once you have bid 3♣ & partner takes the relay to 3 , there are two types of diamond strong jump shifts you can show. A 3NT bid would now show a diamond jump shift with 4 diamonds & 4 after the 3 relay would show 5 & a hand unsuitable for 3NT.


          The advantages of such a scheme should be obvious. This means a jump shift into diamonds is invitational. This could show a hand ♠AKxxx x AKxx ♣QJx or a 5-5 like ♠x AKxxx AKxxx ♣xx . This means that responder does not have to stretch after 2 as partner can not have an invitational hand. The sequence 1♠-P-1NT-P


                                                                3-P-               is clarified as being a weak 5-5 as you did not leap to 3 originally.


          You hold ♠xx KQ10 Qxxx ♣10xxx so after a 2 rebid you just pass or bid 3 to keep out the balancers. If partner jumps to 3originally  , you can take a shot at a 3NT game. Right now a 2 rebid is ambiguous. A hand ranging from 10 HCP (5-5) to just under a strong jump shift. An invitational jump shift gets your side off to a clear unambiguous start.


          With strong 3 card support for partner’s major , you forget about the strong jump shift into diamonds. You open 1 with ♠AKx AKxxx AJxx ♣x and partner responds a spade. I would bid 3♣ and when partner bids 3 , I would bid 3rather than 3NT which shows diamonds. More important to confirm the major fit , in my opinion,  anyway.


          This style to use jumps as invitational or suit oriented fits in with our scheme that jumps are not strength showing bids. Fast arrival & jumps actually rarely show strength. They show good suits or invitational values rather than strength. This diamond treatment takes pressure off the forcing NT which needs all the help it can get.