Thursday, November 10, 2005 3:08 AM

Dummy Play




            The rules of Bridge makes the dummy expose all 13 of its cards . At trick one sometimes there is some dead time where declarer is trying to plan her line of play . You as defender should use this time to play the “fill in the blanks game” or as a bad pun “dummy play”.  Start building patterns with the exposed cards on the dummy and your cards ! The dummy is there for defenders to use also and is not the sole possession of the declarer. A Tormentee and I were in 4 and the opponents bid 4 vul which was doubled . The board was x Jxxxx Qxx Jxxx which is not an awe inspiring collection. You hold Qx AKxxx xx AKxx and lead the club Ace & King which declarer ruffs the 3rd club. Declarer creates some dead time by going into the tank. OK play the fill in the blanks game while you are waiting. There are 5’s on the board so plug that in with your hearts 5-5-?-? . The clubs are already accounted for with 4-4-3-2. The diamonds are not relevant to you so you do not have to fill in the blanks with suit. Declarer was in a hopeless spot and of course could not get to the dummy so he ran all 7 of his trump. The tormentee got caught in a pseudo squeeze because she had no idea how many hearts were out after all the trump were run.  Thinking in patterns means playing the fill in the blanks game when the dummy is fully exposed. .


          Another opportunity against young Chris who opened 1 and subsequently got to 4X . The board came down with Qxxx xx Kxx Axxx . I led his suit with a small diamond and he won it in the hand and started to think about his line of play. There is the dummy just sitting there waiting for you to play the fill in the blanks game. Part of this game is to use partners lead & the dummy as a clue to play this secondary game. Why is partner leading declarers suit in a doubled contract ?  If partner does not have a stiff diamond he should be shot. You hold Kx Jxxx xxxx Kxx so you have diamonds accounted for due to the lead 5-4-3-1 . Declarer has shown 4 spades so 4-4-3-2 so you know partner has 3 spades. The hearts are easy on the bidding . They should be 6-4-2-1 as partner overcalled at the two level and bid hearts again at the 3 level. Chris sacrificed in 4 so he should just have a singleton heart. Clubs who cares at this time. Chris finally leads a small spade and partner bounces with the spade Ace and underleads his AK of hearts. Chris blinks as he wins his stiff Queen of hearts. Oh no ! However we have a 2nd chance as he leads a spade and you win with the king. You know partner has another trump ( 4-4-3-2) and you know Chris is out of hearts so you come back a heart which Chris ruffs. Instead of 12 matchpoints for +200 you get a zero and –790. We lost our heart Ace & the diamond ruff which was the setting trick in a doubled contract.


          I was playing with a Tormentee and “dummy play” would have been the winning defense against a 2 contract. The auction went 2-2-P-P and I led the 9 of diamonds. The dummy came down with a huge hand on the auction KQJx Jxx Kxxx xx  & the tormentee held xxxx Q AQJ10xx xx . Taking the diamonds on the board and building a pattern with your diamonds means 6-4-2-1 so you can not duck the diamond as partner is “end played” at trick one. You overtake the diamond and you see that if partner has the AQ of clubs you can over ruff the board and then cash your diamond and maybe get an uppercut with a diamond continuation. You overtake and lead a club and partner wins the club queen and cashes the Ace and continues another club. Declarer ruffs and you over ruff with you stiff queen . You cash your diamond Ace and partner shows out. You continue a diamond and declarer is forced to ruff with his heart King. Victory for the defense as I have 109x of hearts and must come to a heart trick for down one and +100. Ducking the diamond at trick one and they make 4 which is what happened at the table !!



          You can not play the game at any more than a novice level without knowing & applying patterns. Thinking in patterns means just that – think in patterns ! Think in patterns makes you discover defenses & formulate a plan. It is the basis of your reasoning or the building blocks of your defense. Counting tricks , pseudo squeezes  , switches , deception and all basic defensive techniques  originate from patterns in the first instance.  We probably have mentioned patterns before J.