Sunday, May 09, 2004 4:15 AM

Forcing NT - Limit Raises




          One of the most important uses of the forcing NT is to show limit raises with 3 trump. When opener makes a simple rebid , showing the limit raise is trivial . You jump in the major or raise the rebid major. In other auctions , showing the limit raise hands is not so trivial and needs to be discussed.


          Take the auction  1-p-1NT-P  3-P-?    -   what shows the limit raise hand ? . The 4 level is reserved for Q bids to show the limit raise hand . Partner bidding another suit ( Ace or King ) implies the limit raise in spades and opener can act accordingly.    1-P-1NT-P   3NT-P-?   same with this auction . A Q bid at the 4 level implies the limit raise hand and pulling 3NT to 4 spades is just a sign off . The sanctity of the 4 level for Q bidding helps define the limit raise.  1-p-1NT-P  3-P-4-p  is not to play but show a limit raise in spades by showing a control in hearts.


          O.K. the auction  1-p-1NT-P   2NT-p-?     . O.K. Tom and I play a 3♣ relay to 3 here to show all the weak sequences so this is easy . In the absence of a relay , a direct preference of 3 spades shows a good limit raise with slam interest. A weak spade raise you would relay first and then support spades. Say you were too weak to bid two spades going in   Kxx xx Q10xxx 109x so you bid 1NT.  After partners 2NT bid , force partner to relay to 3 by bidding 3♣ first and then support spades . You now have done your duty and shown your dog spade raise. A leap to 4after 2NT accepts the invitation to game but in spades rather then no trump. This shows a minimum limit raise in spades and no slam interest.


          The next auction is the strong jump shift into a suit other than the all purpose 3♣ bid ( only diamonds left for us)  .  1♠-P-1NT-P      3-p-?  .  Here we could use the principle of “fast arrival” to show the doggy raise. However , as we do not play constructive major raises these bad hand types will be rare.  Probably more common will be the hand with two small trump and an unwillingness to bid 3NT. Lets compromise and say a leap to 4 of the major shows the limit raise


           Playing the Subash treatment of a major opening  with a multi-purpose  3♣ jump shift needs more understandings. A forcing NT takes a special understanding to show the limit raise hands. The sequence 1-P-1NT-P  3♣-P-?       This bid is a relay to 3 but if you refuse the relay it shows the limit raise hand in spades.  With all other hands you accept the relay to 3  . The invitational  1-P-1NT-P  3-P-?  has three preference sequences . A direct 3 bid says we are probably too high already and should be passed. A leap to 4 is accepting the invitation to game . A super limit raise in spades or hearts is shown by a Q bid at the 4 level.    QJx Ax  xxxxx Axx         1-P-1NT-P    3-P-?  You bid 4♣ and partner with AKxxx KQ10xx Ax x  bids Blackwood and on to our 1430 in 6 spades.


          If you accept the relay to 3 , in these auctions and partner bids 3 or 3NT showing a strong jump shift in hearts & clubs respectively , a bid at the 4 level is a slam try .  Jumping to game or bidding game ( fast arrival )  shows enough to bid game and tha’ts about all.  xx KQ9x  KQxxx xx      1-P-1NT-P  3♣-P-3-P  3-P-?   you can not bid 4 as you are too strong . You bid 4 showing a control and implied heart support. Since you accepted the relay  , you can not have the spade limit raise so this must show a good hand for hearts. Partner with AKxxx AJ10x Ax Ax might have a chance to get to our cold 7 grand .