November 07, 2002 5:16 PM

 Forcing NT - Part Trois




            Another forcing NT auction that should be discussed . One of a major – forcing NT then a 2NT rebid by opener . This is a rare bid if you open 1NT with a 5 card major ( like you should in my opinion ) . I do not like opening 1NT with a very good 5 card major so I would bid 2NT over a forcing NT with those kind of hands . What about all the 5-4-2-2 combination hands and 5-3-4-1 hands that have 15-18 HCP points ?? You are not strong enough for a strong jump shift and rebidding 2 of a minor with your 17 HCP does not seem palatable either . This sequence is a built in deficiency caused by playing the forcing NT. I suggest bidding 2NT with these hands rather than your minor.  The interesting case is rebiding 2NT with a 4 card heart suit and 5-4-2-2 or 5-4-3-1 patterns with 15-18 HCP. This would be a superb way of missing your 4-4 heart fit unless you have a check back bid . More about that later .


            My recommendation is to rebid 2NT with all hands in the 15+ 18- HCP range 5-3-3-2 , 5-2-4-2 or 5-3-4-1 and have some good sequences by the forcing NT bidder to find the best spot . This involves introducing one artificial bid by the 1NT bidder and that is a 3♣ check back bid . Again we have the “do not improve the partial rule” . If the 1NT bidder is minimum you can  pass 2 NT ( very rare ) . The only exception is that 3 of the major is not forcing after the 3♣ relay and you can escape from 2NT that way .


            3♣ is defined as an artificial relay to 3  , so what is a direct 3 or 3  after 2NT if ( partner opened 1 ) and 3 after 2NT ( if partner opened 1 ) . 3 and 3 are forcing natural bids and 3 should show both minors . Now for the check back bid . With the wide range of openers a 1 2 rebid can range almost from 11-17 HCP which is a ridiculous range for a simple rebid . This causes a number of bad things to happen  . Missed vul games because partner passes 2 with her minimum 1NT bid . Partner pushes to 3 hoping you have the 16 HCP hand and you go 2 down vul . Partner makes a marginal leap to game and you go 2 down because you had the minimum range . My solution is do not bid 2 with 15+ to 18-   bid  2NT !! .

Tom & I play a jump to 3 as invitational but Tom prefers that 5 hearts be shown.


            O.K. you have this valuable 3♣ bid in your repertoire so you can define other uses for it . Say you were planning to bid a limit raise or better in partners major and partner bids 2NT over your 1NT . You want to play 3 of a major non forcing so 4 of a major is just to play . The big hands can be described by bidding  naturally  . This could get you to some good slams.


            A spade opener and a forcing NT can still use the 3♣ check back bid over a 2NT rebid to look for a heart fit . These relays should always follow Lebensohl principles. Direct is strong and relay is weak or invitational.


KJx  AKJxx AJxx x                 Axx xx KQ10xx Jxx    


1        1NT

2NT        3

3♠           4♠

5♣          5                    +620 in diamonds instead of –100 in 3NT



AKJxx x AJxx Axx                  Qxx xxx Kx KQ1098


1              1NT

2NT            3   ( limit raise )

4♣               4

4               4NT

5♣               6



AJxxx AK10x Ax Jx                   x  QJxx  KQxx Axxx 


Old way


1                 1NT

2                 4               +720   as everything behaves   . the 1NT response had no idea that your

                                                    2 bid was so good



Tom G advocates playing the jump to 3 invitational bid as always showing 5 hearts. What if you had 17 HCP and 4 hearts ?

New way is to bid 2NT &  break the check back relay if you have 4 hearts !!!


 1                  1NT

 2NT                3♣      (checking back for hearts)

 3                   4♣

 4                    4NT               +1470  as partner knew that you were in a higher HCP bracket

 5♣                   6




            Anyway , even if you do not buy into my thoughts . I have always hated rebidding two of a minor with good hands in the invitational range. 2NT is an invitational bid so why not have tools to extract your best spot ?  This is another sequence in the forcing NT sequences that should be discussed with partner . In Vienna Cup trials there should be no excuses for bidding misunderstandings with the forcing NT . All sequences should be discussed first and agreed upon .