Monday, October 02, 2006 3:06 PM

Forcing NT - Part V




            The forcing NT bid needs all the help it can get . The bid itself is forcing 1 round. This forcing one round concept can be extended to help out with two serious problems with the forcing NT. The two problems are (1) having your heart fit “buried” by the spade suit. The 2nd major problem is showing a good hand for (2) partners minor rebid after a forcing NT.


          The fix for these two problems is having two bids by the forcing NT bidder as forcing 1 round. This concept makes all the difference in the world. Lets take the “heart” problem first which obviously needs a one spade opening bid and a forcing 1NT response. You have a 5 card heart suit with invitational values so you respond 1NT. ♠xx AQxxx KJx ♣xxx    partner rebids 2♣ so now what ? Bidding 3 on a 5 card suit is poor bidding but signing off in 2 does not seem right either. Enter the 2 bid as forcing one round . Partners obligation is to bid a 3 card heart suit if she has it and you find your 5-3 heart fit !!


          How do you find your heart fit after a 1 opener & forcing 1NT response followed by a 2 rebid. Enter the 2 bid by responder as forcing one round. Since this bid has a dual purpose you need a relay to sort things out. Partner must bid 2 and if you now bid 2NT you show an invitational heart hand with a 5 card suit . Perfect ! This relay solves another problem. How do you show a strong diamond raise in these sequences ? Use the fact that 2 is forcing one round ! Partner takes the relay and you bid 3 . Another problem solved !


          Lets go back to the spade opening bid and the 2♣ rebid. How does the forcing NT bidder show a strong club raise ? The 2 forcing one round , to the rescue. You bid 2 and over whatever partner bids you bid 3. Killing two birds with one stone with both of these fixes.


          There is another way to show strong raises in partners minor. Since you play 2/1 non forcing to game , jumps by the forcing NT are not needed to show a good suit with invitational values. Play these bids as fit showing jumps for partners minor !  ♠xx QJ109x AKxx ♣xx  . Partner opens 1 and you bid 1NT with partner rebidding 2. The fit showing jump allows you to describe these silly forcing NT’s to a T by jumping to 3 ! many versions of this “fit showing jump” to assist you in getting to your minor games or a good 3NT.


          After a 1 opener and a forcing NT , showing a strong minor raise is very simple. This is done via the “idle” 2♠ bid. This means that all direct raises of partners minor are tactical bids. With a fit you are trying to keep out the balancers. Let them guess at the 3 level !!