Sunday, May 22, 2005 6:23 PM
 Generalizations - Part II




         Generalizations or platitudes in the “heat of battle” assist the memory cells. Generalizations can be interpreted as a check list that hones in on the differences between your system and standard. Some more understandings that just involve my regular partnersI


1)    Weak two’s in the majors in 1strd & 2nd & 3rd . 2♣ & 2 are both strong bids . In 4th seat 2/ is 14-16 HCP

2)    Style is to error on the light side for 2♣ openers. Distributional 2 suiters are opened 2♣ with relays to assist us. 2 opener has 2 as a waiting bid.

3)    Pre-empts disciplined 1st & 2nd ( no outside cards ) 3rd & 4th is another matter.

4)    Due to non openers by opponents , 1NT in sandwich position is 16-18 HCP ( Tom only )

5)    2/1 forcing to game over majors unless suit rebid. This includes 2/1 in competition. 1-P-2♣-P is forcing to game even if suit rebid.

6)    Passed hand bidding drops many conventions and introduces new bids ( fit showing jumps ) . Do not play Drury so 2♣, 2 natural. (Tom only)

7)    Exclusion Blackwood is  0314 not 1430

8)    After a 1NT response to a minor or major and they interfere in sandwich , 2NT is good bad , 3 level is invitational and double is takeout

9)    After a 1NT response to a major or minor , 2NT is a game force unless dropped in a relay sequence afterwards.

10) When 1NT opener or overcall is doubled , simple DONT runouts apply. XX is single suit , suit bid shows two suits that one and another above.

11) When 1NT is doubled artificially or 2♣ artificial , systems on apply instead.

12) Balancing at the two level  after the opponents minor follows the major/minor model that we play over 1NT. 2♣ is two suiter in the minors after a club or diamond opener. 2 is a two suiter in the majors after a diamond opener or a 1♣ opener. ( Tom only)

13) No splinters in competition , or overcall or as passed hand. Bridge is a game of suits.

14) If 3 suits available , 2NT is “scrambling” otherwise 2NT is Lebensohl.

15) Re-Stayman applies after both 1NT or 2NT Stayman sequences

16) A jump to the 4 level in a minor after their weak two in the major is a two suiter with that minor & the other major.

17) After their major weak two directly or in the balancing , a Q bid asks for a stopper in their suit

18) After their weak 1NT opener , a jump to the 4 level in a minor shows a powerful two suiter with one major

19) After a weak NT , a double by us and a natural runout by them , the 1st double thereafter shows shortness

20) A double of 1NT in the balancing or as a passed hand shows a 1 suiter in the minors.(Tom only )

21) Kokish game tries , Kokish treatment 1-P-2♣ and Kokish relay then 2NT to show the upper range NT after 2♣ opener

22) Lead directing doubles negate the obvious lead. A minor opening is not the obvious lead though.

23) Michaels or unusual 2NT are not done on intermediate hands. Overcall instead.

24) Suction over their artificial 1♣ and diamond response.

25) Interference over Blackwood – double for penalty & then just KCB steps

26) 4NT is Lebensohl or takeout after they bid 4 or 4. Lebensohl when pulling doubles at that level.

27) Frequent use of 4NT as quantitative when NT previously bid or 4NT to play in a minor or misfit auction.

28) One of a minor and a 1NT response , jump rebids are pre-emptive

29) One of a minor and 1NT response , 2 of a minor only invitational bid.