Tuesday, August 24, 2004 3:10 AM
Good/Bad 2NT
This is a description of the Good/Bad 2NT
convention as played in my partnership . This convention uses 2NT in
competitive situations mostly after a bid in the sandwich position by the opponents.
It is used as an artificial bid to show a hand that is weaker than bidding
directly at the three level. The intended audience for this article is expert players in steady partnerships.
Consider this contested auction:
You hold one of these hands that should compete respectively to 3©, 3¨, 3§:
ª 84 © A742 ¨ AK53 § Q97
ª 8 © K7 ¨ AKT9543 § Q97
ª 84 © 4 ¨ AKT53 § AQ974
Or you hold one of these hands that should invite to game:
ª 8 © AJ42 ¨ AK532 § Q97
ª 8 © A7 ¨ AKT9543 § K97
ª 84 © 4 ¨ AKQ53 § AQJ74
As you can see, it is hard to make
affordable natural bids that clearly distinguish
between competitive and invitational values in this situation.
Now try another one:
Suppose the bidder would like to bid a
suit at the 3 level. This time, the auction is already game invitational for
the bidder’s side. So the issue is
how to show whether the hand is competitive
or game-forcing.
A good solution in these sequences is to use
2NT as an artificial bid that shows the weaker
( bad ) of the two hand types in
the given situation. This allows direct bids at the 3 level to be natural and
the stronger of the two hand types.
The biggest problem in using Good/Bad 2NT
is knowing for sure whether it applies to each possible situation. Expert
practice varies widely.
The following 3 requirements must all be
met, otherwise it is not Good-Bad 2NT:
Ø Both sides have bid. |
Ø There have been 3 or
more non-passes, and the most
recent bid is 2 of a suit by right hand
opponent (RHO). Special case: if RHO made a weak jump overcall, then 2NT is
Good-Bad. |
Ø You wish to bid a
specific suit that is lower in rank
or (rarely) equal to that of RHO’s suit. |
The partner of the Good/Bad 2NT bidder usually bids 3§. Partner should make some
other bid to show suit preference, an unexpectedly long strong suit
or enough extra strength to force the bidding higher.
Ø 2NT is artificial and
shows a hand that will compete in some suit at the 3 level that is of a rank
lower than or equal to RHO’s 2 level bid. |
Ø If neither partner has
invited or forced to game: 3 of a suit is natural and
invitational (as opposed to competitive). |
If either partner has invited but we are not yet forced to game: 3 of
a suit is natural and game forcing (as opposed to competitive). |
If the context of the auction shows which
suit(s) the 2NT bidder is probably competing in, that should be in the
Further information (if requested):
Responder makes the best bid for the
situation, with a default to 3§.
There is no free lunch in bridge.
Good/Bad 2NT replaces 2NT as a natural bid (or as a scramble or other
conventional call). Fanatics will assure you that no one wants to play a
contract of 2NT, but some of the time you definitely will regret the loss of
this descriptive bid. Our experience is that
Good/Bad 2NT is a clear winner in frequency and size of benefits.
2NT requires some discussion, practice, and memorization. Initially there
tend to be many failures to alert and instances of giving misinformation.
A good approach is to play several sessions without using it. Try to
identify in the post mortems each situation in which it would have applied,
both for our side and the opponents.
2NT provides an actively ethical solution to a class of bidding problems that
traditionally have been handled (unintentionally, of course) by timing and body
language. The convention occurs fairly often, typically once to several
times per session. Furthermore, it is fun to
use. It provides a basis for fine-tuning auctions, usually without other
changes in partnership agreements.
2NT is a good tool for both sides, regardless of which side opened the auction
and what opening bid was made. It is equally useful at any vulnerability
and form of scoring. The Good/Bad 2NT convention is applicable to
virtually all bidding systems in which the 2NT bid has not already been
assigned some other special conventional meaning.
The 2NT
bidder has the option to compete further after having limited the hand. This
might occur with extra length, especially in a minor, or after partner has
shown a preference that improves the hand.
In a close decision, it often is right to make the direct
suit bid to show the suit pattern of the hand. This goes well with a style
of aggressively inviting. It also anticipates a tendency of opponents to
frequently bid directly over the competing 2NT call, preventing the 2NT bidder
from clarifying the hand.
On the
flip side, it can be right to compete with a very marginal hand and hope that
LHO will be enticed to take the immediate push.
2NT can also be used to
distinguish between an average hand
and a perfect maximum within an
already limited range. For instance, responder might use it in this
We play
that the Good/Bad 2NT bid is non-forcing (although rarely passed) but some play
it as forcing.
basic rule regarding the number of non-passes might need to be modified when a
Forcing Pass system is in use by either side.
When is it not a
Good/Bad 2NT situation?
are some cases where Good/Bad 2NT does not
apply in our methods:
1. . Only one side has made a
2. . There have been fewer than
3 non-passes in a competitive auction. In these examples, we play 2NT as a
natural game try:
1ª - 2¨ - 2NT
1© - 1ª - 2NT
3. . RHO's bid is not a suit.
1ª - 2© - dbl - ?
4. . They use a convention at
the two level against which we employ some other predetermined defense.
5. . The other side starts
the auction with a strong artificial bid showing at least 16 hcp.