Friday, October 04, 2002 12:48 PM

Hand Evaluation – Systemic  (2 Control KCB )




            KCB was invented to account for 5 key cards . When you pre-empt at the three level or two level , you do not need such a KCB scheme. A pre-empt should never have more than 2 key cards or you should have made a different call. 2 Control KCB was invented for pre-empts . In all but one case , 4♣ is two control KCB after partner pre-empts. Of course , you need diamonds for KCB after a 3♣ pre-empt. The idea behind 2 control KCB is to conserve bidding room . You can make your query & still remain below game in a major. Kiz Fung introduced this concept to us & it is also useful for Exclusion KCB since controls in the void suit are not included. 4 can also be used after gambling 3NT’s & major suit pre-empts as a shortness asking bid.



“This idea is having a 2 control KCB ( Gerber) over a three level preempt.  I like it because it allows you to preempt on KJxxxxx without hurting the partnership.  The first number refers to the number of key cards and the second number refers to the queen of trump.  Tom and I play this also”    Kiz


1.1         OPENING 3§

·        Gerber 4¨

·        Responses 4©=0/0 or 0/1;  4ª=1/0;  4NT=1/1;  5§=2/0;  6§=!!

1.2         OPENING 3¨/3©/3ª

·        Gerber 4§

·         Responses: 4¨=0/0 or 0/1;4©=1/0;4ª=1/1;4NT=2/0;5§=2/1

1.3         OPENING 3©/3ª

·        4¨ asks for shortness

·        responses:  4©/4ª=shortness;  4NT=¨ shortness;  5§=§ shortness


·        4§ --opener has to pass or convert

·        4¨--asks for shortness

·        4©/4ª--to play

·        4NT asks for length in minor



            Partner opens 3♠ & you hold ♠Ax AQJ10x AxxA10x  so you bid 4♣ . Partner responds 4♠ showing 1 key card with the trump queen. This should be enough to give slam a try .