Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:53 AM

Hand Evaluation -  2/1 The Lone Ranger




            An important part of our 2/1 understandings is how we handle the NT ranges. It is standard expert practice to have 2NT an either/or bid of either a minimum or the 18-19 range . The leap to 3NT is more rare is it shows the strong NT range. This means partner did not open 1NT due to a good 5 card major or a 5-4-2-2 or a 5-4-3-1 with a stiff in partners suit. A 3NT bid with a 5-4-3-1 is quite often necessary to right side the NT & simultaneously show the NT HCP range.


            Ok , since we have our 3NT understandings in 2/1 auctions ironed out , we know need to solidify our KCB understandings. You do not pull 3NT to 4 of a minor from a position of weakness. You are either interested in slam or it’s a slam asking tool.


            Here’s where the Kantar notion of the Lone Ranger comes into play. A lone ranger is somebody who just keeps bidding her own suit.  Lone Rangers have KCB rights according to Kantar.  When you leap to 3NT , responder pulls 3NT to her minor it is KCB. Why ? You have already announced you do not have a great fit with partners suit by leaping to 3NT. You have already announced your HCP’s. You do not pull 3NT to a minor from a position of weakness so you are given KCB rights. 4NT is a quantitative slam try by responder.


 What if responder pulls 3NT to the other minor ? This is obviously natural , a slam try but it is not KCB. Why ? You do not know how well partner fits your 2nd minor. She will Q bid to say she likes it or bid 4NT as the “death response” saying she does not like either of responders’ suits.


            A Tormentee held Kx A AJ10xx ♣KJxxx , I opened 1 on AQJ KJxxx x ♣AQxx , partner bid 2. If there ever was a hand to right side the NT , this one is it with the black suit tenaces so you leap to 3NT. The Tormentee bids a natural slam try by introducing clubs at the 4 level.  Partner bids 4 saying she likes clubs. 4NT now must be KCB for clubs as it is ludicrous to bail out to 4NT when partner likes your slam try. You bid 4NT , I respond 5 showing 2 with the queen. Partner now bids 6 . What is this ? This cannot be a choice of contracts. Clubs were agreed  a long ago. Partner must be able to play the hand in 6NT so she is making an asking bid in the diamond suit. You have a stiff diamond so you bid 7♣. This contract has 13 tricks.