October 24, 2005 9:20 AM
Hand Evaluation - Systemic ( 2NT rebids )
Let’s review why we play Wolff relays after every rebid of 2NT in the book. The main reason
we play relays is to make natural
bidding strong. The Lebensohl
relay principle is if you bid via the relay route ,
it is weaker than bidding
naturally. We follow the same principle in all our relays with only one
exception. The one exception sticks out like a sore thumb. You relay but bid 3NT anyway . Why this
convoluted route to 3NT ? The reason is
that this is a balanced slam try in partners
The 2nd
reason for the relay is that we suppress
majors with a 2NT rebid.
In fact ,, we may even suppress a 4 card fit with responders major ! Anyway
, after a relay by responder , a major bid is natural trying to find a
fit or just describing her hand.
clubs and diamonds there are special understandings. After a club opener , you bypass a diamond
response with weak or
just invitational hands . Responder bids her
major even if it distorts her distribution. If you are stronger, of course you just bid naturally . You respond your diamond , after partner bids 2NT , you just bid your major
naturally so you find your game or slam rather simply.
understanding of bypassing diamonds in favour of your major has an interesting byproduct after a relay. You hold ♠Kxx ♥x ♦KQxxxx ♣xxx , partner opens 1♣
. You respond 1♦ , partner bids 2NT so
now what ? A 3♦ bid is natural & strong probably inviting Q bids
for a diamond slam . A relay & passing 3♦ is an out , so what does a relay to 3♦ & bidding a
major bid mean ? It can not
be natural as you would not have chosen a relay , you
would have just bid your major.
You can use this bid as showing shortness to avoid 3NT in favour
of a 5♦ contract
! Partner has ♠AQx ♥Jx ♦Axx ♣AKxxx so after a relay she hears 3♥
. This bid will drive
the hand to 5♦ thereby avoiding the 3NT
a diamond or a major opener , we do not
have any such understanding with a 2NT rebid. After a diamond opener, a major response , a relay
followed by a major is natural so just shows a non slam going hand. What about reverses
by responder ? These do not show the world’s fair,
unless subsequent Q bidding indicates otherwise. You need the reverses to show
the 4-5 hands as the relay followed by
spades shows specifically 4-4.
♠Kxxx ♥AJxxx ♦xx ♣xx 1♦-P-1♥-P
2NT-P-3♠-P shows this hand.
shows the other . ♠Kxxx ♥AJxx ♦xx ♣xxx
What if you are 5-4
in the majors with spades as the
longer suit ? How do you describe those hands after a
2NT rebid ? The answer depends on the strength of your hand . If
you are strong enough for a slam try , you bid naturally. If you just want preference from
partner , relay
first & bid hearts to throw a wet blanket on proceedings.
A 2NT invite or a jump to 2NT are cumbersome
sequences in standard bidding. As usual , a
relay to the rescue.