Thursday, December 07, 2006 4:38 PM
Hand Evaluation - 3NT Overcalls




            The 3NT overcall of a pre-empt should be a specialized bid. The bid should scream “duplication of value” in their suit. I would hold 5 HCP’s wasted in their suit as a minimum. If you have minimum duplication of value in their suit , choose a different bid . Why , because partner is going to evaluate her hand with respect to potential duplication of value. Partner should never pull 3NT out of a position of weakness or distribution. If partner pulls 3NT , it is a slam try.


          It is suffice to say that there are many bad pre-empts in modern bidding . To combat them , consider your choice of bids wisely. A 3NT overcall normally ends the auction. If you have a working hand or a huge hand,  choose a double instead of 3NT. Here is a hand that came up in a Bermuda Bowl. ♠10xx KQ1098 AJx ♣AQ and they opened 3♣. You have a choice of bids , heart overcall , double , or 3NT. The Italian chose to overcall 3NT as 6 of his HCP’s were wasted in clubs. Partner who held AKxxx Jxx Kxxxx ♣void was now discouraged due to the potential duplication of value in clubs and passed. At the other tables they doubled or overcalled 3 and got to a slam going down. They were not warned by partner’s choice of bids of the duplication of value.


          When they pre-empt you know something that partner does not. In other words , you are looking at your holding in their suit. If you must overcall due to vulnerability or overall strength , help partner out. Avoid overcalling a suit or making a double with a huge stack in their suit. A pass or 3NT overcall describes these hands better.


          If partner leaps to 3NT after a weak two , handle these bids with care also. Quite often partner has a trap in their suit but did not want to trap vul vrs nv. She could even hold 5 of their suit and did not want to take a chance that partner was to weak too balance. 3NT normally ends all these auctions unless you can afford to play the hand in 4NT via a slam try.