Friday, March
31, 2006 3:55 AM
Evaluation - 4NT ( Minors )
minor suit KCB (
minorwood ) frees up a very handy bid . 4NT is
used as either a quantitative slam try or a place to play
the contract after aborting a slam try. 4NT is never
Blackwood when a minor suit KCB bid is available. Partner had a hand that shows that advantage
tonight ♠AQ9x ♥Ax ♦K10x ♣KQ98 . Hand
evaluation determines what tool you use during the auction . I opened 1♦ , partner 1♠ & I rebid 2♦. What do you bid ? A jump
to 4♦ is minor suit KCB ,
so a jump to 4NT is quantitative suggesting a 6NT slam. This hand is all
controls rather than soft values suitable for NT so I might bid 4♦ KCB so an easy 6♦ is
reached. If you want to right side the NT by protecting your spade tenace from the opening lead , you
can bid 4NT. However , this hides your diamond fit , so 4NT might be passed
when 6♦ is cold.
play a special 4th suit forcing where 2NT by responder is
the “godfather” one round force. Partner has the best of both worlds by
simply bidding 2NT. I attempt to play the hand in a 3♦ partial but partner will over rule & drive the
hand to 6♦. What if partner’s hand had softer values ? ♠AQxx ♥AQx ♦Kx
♣KQ98 he can still bid the godfather 2NT . This
bid allows us to explore a grand slam more intelligently if I show any
sign of life after 2NT. After any 2NT bid we play a return to the
minor as an escape. This is the option I would choose with my 11 HCP so
we stay out of a very bad grand slam. Add a king to my hand ,
I would something else after 2NT so we
would be in a cold grand slam. Keeping the bidding low
allows a partnership to exchange valuable information. Godfather 2NT
excels in that department.
have a default understanding that a Q bid after
a T/O dbl shows a two suiter. I dislike
the notion that a leap to 4NT after a dbl shows a two suiter
in the minors. Both minors are like any other two suiter. You start
with a Q bid &
use equal level conversion to find your minor fit. This frees the
leap to 4NT as a quantitative bid saying I am too strong to bid 3NT .
1♠-X-4NT says I have a 3NT bid but am
inviting slam. 2♠-X-P-4NT same , as is 3♠-x-P-4NT.
When you get jammed as responder , 4NT is
quantitative after partners opens a minor. 1♦-3♥-4NT means I am just too strong to bid 3NT. 4♥ is KCB for diamonds.
is too valuable to waste as a T/O to the minors when you have a Q
bid that does the same job. You are vul
& they are not , you hold ♠Kxx
♥AK9x ♦Ax ♣QJ10x
. They open 3♥ & partner doubles
. With any other vulnerability this is easy. You just say your lead
partner. On this vul , a slam is just too tempting. A 4♥
Q bid should show a two suiter. A 4NT bid is a
3NT bid that shows a slam try. Partner has 16 HCP for her double
so she accepts your 4NT slam try & you make +1440. Bad defense allows them
to escape for –800 in 3♥X.
♠xx ♥x
♦AJ10xx ♣AJxxx partner’s hand is ♠x ♥AKxxx ♦KQxx ♣Q10x despite the 5th heart , still bid your suits up the line with equal
level conversion techniques. You get to your diamond contract. You just
do not need 4NT for the minors.
When the
opponents push you to the 4 level in a minor by pre-empting , their bid suit is KCB & 4NT
is to play. 4NT as Blackwood for the minors is as archaic as you get
it. You play into their hands by not having a natural 4NT
bid available. An 11 trick contract in the minors needs lots of HCP’s.
is to play & 4♥ is KCB for clubs.
P-4NT is to play & 4♠ is KCB for diamonds.
Minor suit KCB & Kickback were
both invented in part to conserve room but more importantly to free
4NT to play !
The minors & 4NT as KCB
just do not mix . 4NT is a “depending on context “ bid
which requires you to be at the table & read the situation. 4NT is not KCB when
you have a minor fit unless in a ¼ cent rubber Bridge game where you are
afraid that partner may screw up. Having
their suit as KCB with minors implied in competition prevents ambiguity
& confusion.
4NT is KCB for spades
as you have 4♥ as KCB for clubs. Use
their suit as KCB when you have a minor suit fit. 4NT was invented
for major suit fits. When you just find your
minor suit fit at the 4 level , 4NT is to play. The next suit up is
KCB for your minor ( kickback ) . Diamonds
is KCB for clubs & hearts KCB for diamonds. This frees 4NT as natural . Kantar would approve as this is how he recommends minor
suit KCB in his books. This is also the useful space principle
as 4NT just takes up too much room with the minors as the
responses may get you past your makeable game !!
Italian’s have come up with another wrinkle for 4NT in a minor auction.
They call it the “turbo 4NT”. If you are jammed in a minor
auction so you can not use minorwood
& 4NT to play makes no sense, 4NT is a telling bid not an asking
bid. The bid means with the minor fit , I have an even
number of Aces. 4NT as a telling bid instead of an asking bid pre-dates
Blackwood. 4 NT is conceptually a Q bid showing an even
number of Aces.
would be an even number of Aces & a 4♠ Q bid would show a spade control
with an odd # of Aces on our way to 5♦ or
beyond. The Italians came up with a good idea to keep 4NT
away from KCB in a minor auction.
4♦-4♠-4NT says ♦’s
are trump but I have an even number of Aces. 4NT as KCB is silly in this
auction as we may get past 5♦. 4NT should
virtually never be KCB in a minor implied auction. 5♣ would show
the ♣A with an odd number of Aces. The Turbo 4NT is an excellent
addition to your minor slam bidding arsenal .
Gone forever is the 4NT bid as ace asking with a minor fit. Good
riddance to that silly waste of a good bid !!