Same wavelength ??
Wednesday, June 08, 2005 4:06 PM
Hand Evaluation - 6-4's
are two patterns
in Bridge to which you should pay special
attention 6-4’s
& 5-5’s. Contortions have been made in HCP systems to give
them the respect that they deserve.
The rule of 20, ZAR points have tried to properly evaluate these powerful
playing hands. With controls , these hands should be opened with as little as
10 HCP . ♠AJ10xxx ♥AJxx ♦xx ♣x or ♠AJxxx
♥xx ♦AJ10xx ♣x are both opening bids. Their
playing strength is just too great
not to fire the first shot in the
bidding. These distributions without the
controls are not openers though and will only cause headaches for
you do open these hands & partner bids a forcing
1NT. Now what ? A demented match point player advises that with weak 6-4’s you just rebid your 6 card suit
& with intermediate 6-4’s you
can show your 4 card suit . Wrong , wrong & wrong ! A 1NT response says I do not have a fit for you , so pick another suit. So bid your second suit ! A 6-4
is not a
single suited hand, it has 2 suits &
the 1NT responder has already
said I do not like your first suit
! You open 1♥
on ♠x ♥AJxxxx ♦xx ♣AJ10x ,
partner bids 1NT . If you bid 2♥ ,
partner is going to pass with ♠xxx ♥x ♦Axx
♣Kxxxxx . You play 2♥ going down when +1370 in clubs has a good chance. Especially if you are 6-4 in
spades & hearts , do not even think of bypassing your 4 card heart suit. I
have seen spade partials go down when +620 in hearts is against the wall !
responder bids a 2/1 or a suit rather than a forcing NT , the rules of the 6-4
game change. Why
? because the responder still may have a fit with your first suit so now the
idea of showing the HCP
strength of your 6-4 makes sense. In 2/1 auctions , since we are
forced to game anyway it really makes sense to give this additional information to partner. You will always find your correct
fit in a forcing to game auction
anyway. Therefore in 2/1 auctions , show 6-4’s the standard way. With a minimum
hand , rebid your 6 card suit & with a better hand show your 4 card suit
& later rebid your 6 card suit.
other auctions , where partner just responds a suit , it is best to show your
6-4’s the standard way. There is a
sinister reason for that approach. If partner bids 2NT either invitational or
invitational plus , you want a way to bail out of 2NT. Showing a weak 6-4
allows you the luxury of escaping from 2NT whereas showing the 6-4 the other way , means a game force is on after partners 2NT response.
a forcing 1NT , we show 6-4’s the non standard way so Gittleman has come up
with relays to allow you to escape
from responders 2NT bid with a 6-4. You have a weak 6-4 & you have bid your
4 card suit first after partners 1NT response. Partner bids 2NT invitational
, you have opened on a nice 10 HCP
♠AJ109xx ♥x ♦KQ109 ♣xx so you want to escape from 2NT. Relays are our standard
tool to escape & we follow the Lebensohl model. If we bid naturally we are
on a game force , so we bid 3♣ as a relay. Partner bids 3♦ as requested so now you escape to 3♠. +140 here we come.