February 18, 2006 6:55 AM
Evaluation – Reading the situation
is a Bridge expression called “Bidding the table”
should all know about. This
expression derives from being at the Bridge table & being aware of what is
happening. This entails noting table position , who is
a passed hand , who is not , who is vulnerable & who is not . Bidding the
table also is being aware of the implications of opponents taking pre-emptive
A Tormentee & my partner held the same cards at a
sectional last night. The auction went Pass-Pass-3♠ everybody vulnerable. From “being at the table” , what information has been presented thus far ? You have
a passed hand
to your left with a 3rd seat pre-empt ! An
average passed hand contains 0 to 12 HCP with a median of 6 HCP
. You have a 3rd seat pre-empt. The opponents have pretty
well announced for you that you
“own this auction” . Another expression for this realization is “table presence” .
what happened at both tables differs greatly between my partner & the tormentee. They both held ♠AJ ♥KJ109x
♦A9x ♣xxx , my partner “bid the table” & the tormentee did not
. My partner doubled 3♠ with this hand.
Under other circumstances , my partner would never double a 3 level pre-empt with this
hand forcing partner to the 4 level.
Why did he do it this time ? The opponents by their bidding gave
him the “green light” . He is in effect making a
pre-balance because the opponents
have informed him that his partner had values !!
OK, the tormentee passed this hand so the passed hand upped the ante to 4♠. At her table , her partner now doubled 4♠ from the other side. The spade pattern must be 7-3-2-1 on this auction with the doubler holding the singleton. By doubling
, her partner is “bidding the table” that a passed hand with a 3rd
seat pre-empt are in game ! If they have
all the 10 HCP’s in spades , we are playing with a 30
HCP deck. At the other table , his partner with that
hand bid 5♥ & made it for +650.
The cards as expected were in the
non pre-empters
hand so the finesses as predicted , did work. At herr table , the tormentee decided to convert
for penalty & take her plus.
than lead blind ,
the Tormenee led the Ace of trump to look at the board. Excellent lead for two reasons . Her & her partner overpower them in HCP , so a trump lead is called for & you get to look at the board to plan your defense.
She has 13 HCP , her passed hand partner doubled at
the 4 level , so her side must have nearly all the outstanding HCP’s outside
the spade suit. The board hit with ♠xxx ♥A ♦Qxx ♣KJ1098x , everybody followed
to the 1st spade. This confirms the trump pattern as 7-3-2-1 . Now what ? Well you cannot stop
a heart ruff but there is a dangerous 6 card
club suit looming as a source
of tricks . This is a danger signal ( L in Kantars LSD ) suit
length in reading the dummy. Time to cash out. So you lay down
your diamond Ace so partner encourages in diamonds with his KJ & you cash 3
diamond tricks . This is one down already but if the pre-empter
has two clubs you are picking up +800.
If only one club , you are picking up +500 which is an excellent result.
happened at our table was a disaster.
Ignoring the danger of a 6 card club suit on the board, the tormentee continued spades. Holding the diamond Ace , she can get away with her gamble though. Declarer won the spade as I discarded a heart.
He led a club , thought a moment & went up King .
I had AQx of clubs as announced on the auction so I
won my club Ace . I now panicked due to the club suit so returned the deuce of diamonds
from my KJ52 so we can cash our 3 diamond tricks . The
tormentee in a doubled game contract & a cash out situation dictated by the long
suit on the board inserted the diamond 9 .Declarer won it , ruffed out my club honour so making 5 doubled for –990 instead of +500 our
way. This result did not match point well L .
Bidding the table
involves table presence. Being aware of what is going
on. Using all the information passed hands & pre-emptive bidding
have given you. This information guides you how to defend a hand. If their bidding
dictates that the opponents cannot hold certain cards ,
they do not have them.