Saturday, October 22, 2005 3:41 AM

Hand Evaluation – Systemic ( Diamond Hands )




            Charles Goren says all jump raises of partners one level response are invitational ( 16-18 including distribution ). He also says a jump rebid in your suit is also invitational. This standard treatment leaves a gaping hole to describe single suited hands too strong for a jump rebid. This standard treatment needs a jump to game in responders suit to show strength contradicting fast arrival concepts. This is one of the reasons we have an artificial jump shift to 3♣ with a heart , spade or diamond opener after a one level response defined as a relay to 3. We now support partner’s suit or rebid our own suit so we show a hand too strong to make an invitational jump raise. This style allows jump raises to game in the major after a 1 opener as distributional & tactical rather than a bushel full of HCP’s.


            Lets discuss the diamond openers with a multi 3♣ SJS . The main purpose of this artificial bid after opening 1 surfaces when partner responds a major. The 3♣ SJS shows a strong hand with a 3 card fit in responders major. The next reason for the 3♣ SJS is for strong single suited diamond hands . When partner relays to 3, have an understanding that 3NT shows this balanced strong diamond hand & 4 shows a distributional one suiter. A 4♣ bid after the relay of course , would show a strong distributional two suiter in the minors. We do not make a jump shift into clubs with a 4 card club suit ( must have 5 ♣ ) . We choose a different bid instead , probably 2NT.  Another reason for the multi 3♣ SJS after a 1opener is having a way to describe the strong 3 suiters with a stiff in responders major. Simply bid the other major after responder takes the relay to 3 & the job of describing your strong 3 suiter is done. ♠x AKxx AKxx ♣KQ109   & ♠AQJx x KQJxAKxx  Open 1 & when partner bids your stiff major , jump shift to 3♣. Partner relays to 3so bid your 3rd suit. If partner bids your major , of course you have a splinter available with these difficult to bid Roman 2 hands.


            All well and good , but one hand falls thru the cracks . A 1♣ opener with a 1response . Standard treatment of playing this jump raise as invitational leaves out all the very strong club-diamond hands with 4 card support. One of the basics of Bridge is to show a 4 card fit immediately. This simplifies auctions immediately so subsequent bids are clear. Playing the Goren style,  we are forced to manufacture bids with 4 card diamond fit with huge hands to prevent partner from passing the invitational jump raise. You hold Axx x AKxxAKJxx , you were planning to reverse to 2 but partner surprises you by responding 1 . You make a jump shift to 2♠ to avoid the invitational 3 bid but you can not play “catch up” & show partner your rock with 4 diamonds.


            This hand was given to the Bridge World panel Ax AJ KQ93 ♣KQ109x after a club opener & a 1 response. A popular choice was 2NT as they were afraid of partner passing the invitational 3. I propose the Barton treatment on these hand types . The very heavy simple 2 raise with invitational values . This means avoiding raising partners diamond response directly with dogs. Rebid 1NT or find another bid rather than making a 2raise. A simple raise in this one sequence only ,  shows invitational hands . A jump raise in diamonds is a game force !


            This allows slam exploration and getting the big hand “off your chest” while showing 4 card support. You have ♠10x Kxx JxxxAKQx & open 1♣ with partner responding 1♦. Rebid 1NT rather than supporting partners diamonds. You have ♠xx xx AKxxAKJxx , you open 1♣ with partner responding 1. Make a simple raise to 2even though your hand values to 17 HCP’s in the Goren system so qualifies as an invitational jump raise. The 3rd hand Ax xx AKxxAKxxx after a club opener with a 1response , bid 3 forcing to game.


            This is another bidding sequence that drives people away from standard bidding to a forcing 1♣ system . In standard bidding , there is no bid to show a game forcing diamond raise after a 1♣ opener !! You must deviate from standard bidding.