Hand Evaluation - Equal Level Conversion Balancing
Equal level conversion is a must in the balancing chair especially against suicide weak twos. You bend over backwards to double in the balancing spot in order to catch them speeding. However , what if they escape , you have to scramble to the best spot. Equal level conversion is scrambling. If you switch suits at the same level , it is saying simply , I do not have that suit nor do I have extra. Equal level conversion is necessary playing negative double theory when your re-opening doubles are also off shape to catch speeders.
Fung brought up a good point playing equal level conversion in the balancing spot. For the purpose of equal
level conversion any bid over NT
at the higher level is considered “equal level” conversion. The auction goes
P-1NT-P-? any bid at the two level is to play , not showing extra. You jump or Q bid to
show a good hand. You are just improving
the 1NT partial after a balancing bid ( scrambling ) . Kiz actually held ♠AJxxx ♥Kx ♦KQx ♣Axx so
a 2NT raise is warranted. Partner bids 3NT with ♠Qx ♥J987 ♦Jx ♣KQJxx . There
is no reason to try for a major suit game , as there may be danger of heart ruffs or a 10 trick game
may be just too high . If partner has soft
values in hearts as advertised ♥Q10xx or ♥QJxx
you want to be in 3NT anyway.
I had a hand with Tom in Pentiction , ♠Jx ♥AQxx ♦AJ9xx ♣xx & LHO opened 2♠ so around to you in the
balancing seat.. You double so partner bids 3♣ which is alerted as
constructive. I passed & we went two down vul
in our 4-2 club fit cold for 130 in diamonds. 330 is a lot of IMPS to waste.
Minimum equal level conversion to
the rescue , so you bid 3♦ .
What if you did have a diamond rock in the balancing spot ? Say ♠Jx ♥AQxx ♦AKQ10xx ♣x
with the auction going the same way . You can always bid 3♠ to ask him to bid
3NT after your double & if he does not , bidding diamonds at the 4 level will now show this hand. Good hands take care
of themselves.
A tormenttee & I held the same hand Thurs nite. ♠Q10xxxx ♥K1098 ♦AJ ♣x .
LHO at both tables opened 1♦
vul which was passed around to the balancing seat. You have enough defense to protect partners ♦ trap if there is one , so you double.
Partner makes the obvious bid of 2NT with her 14 HCP . Bidding is based on
probabilities , so you bid in accordance with the average hand partner could hold for a double , not the worst hand. The cut off
point for a double in the balancing chair is 10
HCP with suitable quick tricks . The Tormentee passed 2NT & a
baby 4♠
game was missed. Partner will not hang you for balancing , so 1NT can be even
up to a bad 11 HCP. A 2NT bid is nearing a 1NT overcall range. Once partner
bids 2NT , simply bid 4♠
as partner is showing at least 2 spades
with a very good hand behind the opening bidder.