November 06, 2005 8:05 PM
Evaluation - Fill in the Blanks
the game of Bridge , there is a game within a game.
For the lack of a better term let’s call this game
“fill in the blanks” or the translation game.
There are 4 main rules or triggers
to this game which we will discuss below. Opening leads are the first rule in the fill
in the blanks game. You lead 4th best or 5th best to allow partner to fill in the blanks. Using patterns
that we have thoroughly memorized
by now , you must train
yourself to apply them in this
game. This game should commence
automatically & on every hand. This is how you “think” the game of Bridge.
Luckily , the rules of the
game of Bridge simplify this task. There is a hand called a “dummy” which has all 13 cards exposed. You are allowed to look at this dummy & use the
information to help fill in the blanks. The dummy
is there in part to assist you to apply patterns. I was playing with a Tormentee against 4♥ . I led a card which
held the trick , switched to the spade Q
. The dummy had 5 small spades
& the Tormentee held AJ10xx . Which spade do you play ? OK , fill in the blanks
time. I am looking at 5 spades in my hand , 5 on the dummy so the pattern is
5-5-2-1 or 5-5-3-0 . Partner would not lead the queen from 3 so that pattern is
out. It is obviously 5-5-2-1
around the table. If it is partner with the Qx , then
declarer has a stiff King . You go up Ace , give partner a ruff when there is
no king under your Ace. Simple application of patterns but the Tormentee ducked my stiff queen !
opponents are in 2♠ vul
after a Tormentee has overcalled 1NT . I lead the
diamond King , the boards diamonds are ♦Q109x with the Tormentee
holding ♦AJxx. The Tormentee played a small diamond so I continued & her
jack won. What now ? Apply a pattern
to fill in the blanks . 4-4-3-2 so partner
obviously has the two with his opening lead.
Accordingly you cash the diamond Ace , give partner a trump uppercut by continuing the 4th
diamond. The Tormentee did not play the pattern game & switched to
another suit so we lost our diamond trick as well as the uppercut ! +200 would have been a cold top so an
opportunity squandered.
The 3rd
example occurred recently when I was playing with an experienced but non expert
player. She led the heart Q from QJ98 against 2NT . The board held these
beautiful heart spots 3456 . I won the
Ace , returned the 10 which declarer ducked. She saw that the ten was holding
the trick so left me hold it to continue the suit. Unfortunately by the law of
13 cards , I had no more to return. Applying patterns to fill in the blanks
4-4-3-2 so it is a simple matter to overtake & float declarers stiff King.
This would have switched a bottom to a very good result.
There are other ways you can
play this fill in the blanks game. Declarer’s
bidding or partner’s bidding
allows the clues to help fill in
the blanks. You must translate bidding
into a hand pattern to play Bridge properly. When the opponents open a spade & rebid hearts
you have a great start in playing
the fill in the blanks game. 5-4-?-? so do it ! You cannot defend properly or declare properly or bid properly
without playing this translation game
! Especially when you are defending with extreme shortness or extreme length in their
trump suit. When you have the length in their trump suit, it
twigs you to apply the patterns because you
are looking at them. However, when you have shortness , partner may have
length so applying patterns by your side
is just as important ! Partner held ♠Axx
♣J109xxx , I opened 1♠ & competed up to
3♠ & passed out 4♦. The board came down
with AK10x of diamonds. Even
though you are void in trump, you
can still play this fill in the blanks game.
Partner may have 4 trump with a 5-4-4-0 pattern around the table ! This should
assist you in your defense as partner would probably like declarer to be tapped
out she they lose control of the hand. This would have set 4♦ but my partner has not “bought into” the importance of patterns.
There are certain bids likes
pre-empts or overcalls that allow
a perfect starting point
for the fill in the blanks game. Partner opened 2♣ , the opponents
overcalled 2♦ which partner doubled for penalty so this ended the
auction. Begin with a hypothetical starting
point from the bidding. You can now utter
the word six to start the translation game as that is a tentative guess on
the number of diamonds declarer holds. In effect , you have brought in the “6
series” of patterns as your starting point to divining the opponent’s hand. The
board was ♠xxxxx
♥xxx ♦xx ♣J109 & partner’s hand ♠AKx ♥AKQxx ♦x ♣AKxx . I led the ♥Jack which held the
trick. I continued a heart , partner won
the queen & cashed the Ace & I showed out discarding the deuce of
clubs. The hearts are 5-3-3-2 so declarer is tentatively 6-3 in the reds. Partner cashes the AK of
clubs & LHO drops the queen. Is this a false card ? Let’s find out by cashing one spade ( the
king requesting count ) so partner can give you the spade count. You
cash the spade & I play the deuce show 3 ( standard count) so 5-3-3-2 again
& declarers count is complete 6-3-2-2
. You now cash the 2nd spade & deliberately give declarer a ruff
& a sluff in hearts to uppercut a diamond trick
for partner. 4 down & +1100 for your side.
The next way to play this
fill in the blanks game legally is when somebody shows out of a suit. This simple
act is a show stopper
& allows you the opportunity to apply a
pattern. Do not let the opportunity
slip by. This is the most natural “discovery play” in the game of Bridge.
You have 3 , the dummy has 2 with
partner showing out in the 2nd round of the suit. Pattern please ! 7-3-2-1 so declarer has a 7 card suit which
allows you to defend the hand properly. If you are declaring the hand , the
information is just as
useful. This means that missing queens should be in the other
hand because there are more of that suit in that hand.
Fill in the blanks !
My partner used bidding & opponents showing out of a suit to
“count the hand” to make a vul 4♥ game the other day. I
had ♠AJ10x ♥Q109xx ♦K ♣xxx & partner was in
4♥ with Paula
overcalling 2♣ during the auction. Paula cashed the top clubs &
partner ruffed the 3rd club with RHO
showing out also. 6-3-2-2 in the club suit is
the 1st clue to playing this
hand. Paula shows up with two trump so you play a few
diamonds & Paula shows up with 3♦. This means the odds
are at least 4-2 that the ♠Q is with RHO as she
has 4♠ to Paula’s two spades. Partner duly finesses the
spade the “correct” way so +620 .
The 4rd
and last way we can legally play
this fill in the blanks game by
using patterns is by signaling.
Following suit signaling & discard signally either while defending or as
declarer are the rules of this game. Partner shows
count so you are filling in the blanks. This is the best defense
against the dreaded pseudo squeeze
or the real squeeze for that matter. There are 6 diamonds to the jack on the
board , declarer is in 4♠ . Declarer cannot
get to the board so she starts running her solid spade suit . You have Kxx of
diamonds & you play standard count. Partner discards the diamond 3 on her
spades so playing the fill in the blanks game , how many diamonds does declarer
have ? Partner shows 3 diamonds , so
applying patterns 6-3-3-1 declarer
has only one diamond. If it is the Ace who cares , so discard all of your
diamonds. It’s like cheating playing
this fill in the blanks
game !!! You cannot even pretend you know how to play Bridge unless you memorize & apply patterns
automatically. Learn this translation
skill !!!!