Wednesday, February 07, 2007 6:31 PM
Hand Evaluation – 2/1 ( Jump Preferences )
experts play fit showing jumps as a passed
hand only. In the early days of Bridge , fit
showing strong jump shifts were very common. You announced a good suit ,
a strong hand with a fit
simultaneously by making one bid.
In today’s game , it is best to look for spots in your system where you can make “pseudo” fit showing jumps. Evaluating fits , of course , is a basic hand evaluation skill.
opens 1♠ , you hold ♠Qxxx ♥x ♦xx ♣AKQJ10x . Bidding anything but 2♣ is silly as this is the main
feature of this hand. Partner bids 2♦ so you leap to 3♠ to show a fit showing jump in
the modern era. With a weaker hand , go all the way to 4♠ after your 2/1. This is a
“picture bid” called the 2/1
jump preference. This is the fit showing jump but the “jump” part comes later. The jump
preference after a 2/1 is an idle bid anyway & splinters get in the way of
immediate fit showing jump shifts unless a passed hand.
opens 1♥ , they overcall 2♦ so you have ♠AQJxx ♥Qxxx ♦xx ♣xx . Do not bid 3♦ to show limit raise
or better or even worse leap to 4♥. Bid a “pseudo fit showing jump” by bidding 2♠ & then leaping to 4♥ when you have a
chance. The opponents jam to 5♦ & partner has ♠Kxx ♥AKJ10xx ♦x ♣Axx . You
have made life easy for her to bid
Forcing pass theory is aided by pseudo fit
showing jumps. By showing where
you live first , you make partners decision
at a high level very easy.
Partner has ♠AKxxxx ♥xx ♦KJ10xx ♣void & overcalls 1♠ to the heart opener.
They bid 3♥ & you have ♠QJxx ♥x ♦xx ♣AQ1098x . Do not bid something
silly like 4♠ or 4♥. Make a “pseudo fit
showing jump” of 4♣. This bid is forcing so you will have a chance to bid
4♠. They now compete to 5♥ over your eventual 4♠ contract so you make
a forcing pass to partner who doubles on the strength of her club void .
Two down , instead of you going one down with the
wrong forcing pass decision.
Over T/O
doubles , remember there are always opponents lurking. Partner opens 1♥ , RHO doubles &
you have ♠xx ♥AQJxx ♦x ♣K10xxx . Some people play
fit showing jumps at the 4 level. I would splinter
to 3♦ to help partner in her competitive decision if they bid 4♠. A splinter is also a pseudo fit showing jump as you are telling
partner how the hands
fit. Do not splinter with a weak hand. Jut leap to game as a splinter turns on forcing passes.
How hands fit it is a huge part of the game of Bridge. Showing where you live assists partner in
defensive ( forcing pass decisions) or offensive decisions ( game or slam
bidding ) . Concealing
your hand is a good poker strategy but in Bridge you have a partner. Let partner in on the nature of your hand with fit showing bids.
Lawrence & I had a hand showed a 2/1 jump preference in action. I held ♠xx ♥xxx ♦J10 ♣AKQJxx & Steve opened 1♥ vul.
With a mild heart fit & a good suit , I decided to
force to game. I bid 2♣ , Steve bid 2♦ & I leapt to 4♥. This was passed out
to the last player who doubled. Passed around to Steve who held ♠AQ ♥Jxxxx ♦AKxx ♣xx . Knowing that I had virtually solid clubs,
is a great hand evaluation advantage. Looking at Steves hand , the double must be
the old fashioned “trump stack” variety. It is an easy pull to 4NT which makes
for +630. The doubler had ♥AKQ109 & would take 5
natural heart tricks !!