Friday, July 25, 2008 6:28 pm


Hand Evaluation - Doubles ( Fit Showing )




           Responsive doubles were invented to show the unbid suits after a T/O double. Responsive doubles were never really invented for overcall situations though some partnerships play them that way. With overcalls , I prefer to play "snapdragon" ( fit showing doubles ) . If there is only one suit left , the double shows that suit with a fit for partner. These doubles have a great negative inference . If you do bid a suit unilaterally , you do not have a fit for partner !


        The value of these bids are really appreciated when they are jamming you with their weak two or even three auctions. These fit showing doubles are applicable up to but not including 4. The rule for two suit snapdragon is the double always shows the higher ranking of the unbid suits plus support for partners suit. Again if you have the unbid suits with no support for partner , just pass or bid one of them. A double at the 4 level shows "cards" & above that penalty.


         Aidan Ballanyne had a tough hand to bid without this toy & it cost him 11 IMPS. Axx AKJxx xx Q10x . The auction goes 2-3-3-?   so he bid 4 which ends the auction & goes down. 6 has a shot but partner was afraid to pull 4 in case it was the last making game contract. If you double ,. partner bids 4 so you can offer a choice of contracts by bidding 4 since you have already shown support for partner. Partner does not like hearts so she bids 5 which is lay down.


           With game forcing auctions by the opponents when we are vulnerable , I prefer a double just to be Rosenkrantz. 1-1-2-X  If the vulnerability is in our favour , snapdragon doubles should apply to setup sacrifices or just bid our right game. 2-3-3-X      A snapdragon double shows a 4 bid wilt values in diamonds & a slam try. Hiding your hand & bidding 4 means you are bidding what you think you can make. 2-3-4-X shows a strong 4 bid with clubs being where you live.


           These snapdragon doubles work well with 3 pre-empts also. 3-4-4-X    Qxxxx xx AKx Jxx  ,  partner bids 4 with AKx xx Qx AQ1098x  . 4 = +620 & 5 -100 . Showing where you live & supporting partner simultaneously is the essence of good bidding. Partner will know what to do in forcing pass auctions & judging her hand.


          Combating terrorism is hard work. The more defenses you have around their terrorists bids of pre-empting & re-pre-empting the more established a partnership becomes. Snapdragon doubles is still another anti-terrorism tool. It is a fit showing jump replaced by a double. ! Saves bidding room  & says the same thing as fit showing jumps.. You do not need trump stack doubles in competition where the opponents have found a strong fit or a strong auction.