Thursday, May
13, 2004 6:10 AM
Evaluation – Tactics ( Green Light )
of the dumbest things about traditional trump stack doubles in Bridge is the so called “green light” understanding. If in a competitive auction , one partner does not double a contract with a trump stack
it signals that partner can bid again
. This contract theoretically will make because no duplication
of value exists or it
will be a cheap sacrifice. This thinking is blatantly
non sensical. Overcalls , openers
, takeout doubles vary so much in
strength how does one
partner single handed with his Q109x of
trump, think that he should double their
contract to warn partner not to
bid again ? I have heard so much “noise” over my Bridge career where one
partner bid their hand again , went down badly because
partner had the wrong hand . Their contract could
have been defeated..
Bad luck , the partner would lament. Why didn’t you
double to prevent me from bidding ?
I did not know I could beat the hand & I did not want to tell declarer how
to play the hand came the reply. This usually did not
end the argument & they just lost 12 IMPS in a silly misjudged contract.
“green light” ideas also applies to pre-empts. If
partner does not double for penalty it somehow gives the pre-empter permission to “St Albert” or bid your hand again. Absolute single handed nonsense.
My partners are allowed to bid their pre-empt again
but by an “action double” only. At
least this is less single handed , as partner does have some say in the final
decision. Without pre-empting if you have described your hand to partner , you have no business bidding your hand again.
Playing D.S.I.P. doubles , you can though. With the
appropriate defense , you are allowed to bid your hand
again with a D.S.I.P. competitive double.
The green light concept only makes sense at the 5 level
where a mild trump stack can single handedly wreck their contract. Do not apply
“5 level “ thinking to lower levels.
The problem , of course ,
is that trump stack doubles
as a tool for competitive bidding just do not work. It is not so much better to play D.S.I.P. competitive
doubles in competition at high
levels up to & including 4♠ ? If you want to bid again with a good hand even after they reach game & you have some defense , double to ask partners permission. With Q10xx of trump coupled with your good defensive hand
, the partnership now knows
the contract cannot make . The old
style of partner giving the green light by passing is just plain gambling which may or may not work. A pass in a
competitive auction in Bridge may not
be a green light situation. It
just means a minimum
, or a defensive type hand
or a minimum with a trump stack.
If partner has a maximum with a trump stack , the old style of double works . However
, that hand also works with D.S.I.P. competitive double understandings
also . He just passes the double when partner signals he wants to bid again
with a competitive double. In fact , they really go for a number as both hands are maximum with a trump
stack in one of the hands.
“green light” pass is positional also . If they bid the game in front of you, you must guess if partner is maximum
or minimum for his previous bidding. This puts pressure on partner to pull
the double , if he has a minimum or
unsuitable defensive hand . He pulls to the 5 level ,
goes for a horrible number himself as he was really minimum for his previous
bidding . The duplication of value is no help for him at the 5 level. Trapped by your own partner !. The trump
stack double was quite often a choice between death by water or death by fire .
They make the doubled contract or you go for
a number yourself. The culprit of course is
the trump stack double.
Contrast that situation with D.S.I.P. theory .
You pass with your Q10xx of trumps as you want
to defend. If partner wants to play the hand , he
doubles with defense. If partner had the weak distributional hand
, he is warned by your pass
that you do not want to bid & play the
hand . Therefore , he just puts the green
card on the table so no disaster occurs. These are non forcing pass situations , so D.S.I.P. theory takes effect.
decision to pull “trump stack doubles” was the hardest bid in Bridge. The proponents of trump stack doubles
got so exasperated that they just made a platitude .
“do not pull my penalty doubles” . That is
even more stupid. Penalty doubles
quite often made because you tipped declarer
how to play the hand or partner
just did not have enough defense to beat the hand. Worst still, ambiguous
penalty doubles were sometimes bid with no trump stack & just lots of HCP’s . This was really a disaster as now
you can make a slam or vul game your way so you get robbed collecting your +100 or +300. I have
had partners who just chalked that up to “bad luck” . A price to pay for the luxury of having
trump stack doubles , in your repertoire. J
I got
into a bidding argument with my ex partner Peter Jones that he took it serious
enough to e-mail the Gartaganis & Gordon Campbell
to reprimand me for my
bad bidding. My partner had ♠x ♥xx ♦AQJ10x ♣AKxxx ,RHO
opened 1♥ vul
so she bid 2NT nv unusual for the minors. I dislike
these conventional bids being bid on intermediate hands as it puts partner in a
bad position . These bids should be either weak or strong but that’s beside the point. Anyway my RHO bid 3♠ , I held ♠Q1098x
♥xx ♦xx ♣Qxxx
. I decided to muddy the water with a nv 4♣
bid . The auction went P-P-4♠ so I passed not knowing
if they could make 6♥ . 4♠ was passed but my
partner took my pass as a ”green light” to bid 5♣ which got
wacked . We went for –300 but they go for 800 . I
suggested that partner could double
with such strong defense to give
me an option of passing. The
double forces me to take some action
anyway. Ridiculous
they said . You
gave partner the “green light” to bid 5♣ by not doubling 4♠. To defend myself, I said “well I did not know how strong
partner was on the auction” . If I had known that partner had 3 ½ defensive tricks for a toy, I would
have doubled. Peter Jones said you mean
the singleton spade has to double & the 5 card spade suit has to pass !!. Yes , I said as since the
bid showed two suits , the double cannot show spades. Anyway the e-mail reply from
Calgary dripped with sarcasm & they were all over me for my lack of Bridge
sense. This hand , along with other disasters , showed
me that trump stack doubles with
the “green light” concept was blatantly
non sensical so the system needs to be fixed.
Obviously the Calgary “brain trust” never heard of “action doubles”
defined by Jeremy Flint in Britain decades ago. A pre-empt or a “toy” doubles
asking partner to take some action as that hand as
more than she announced.
Penalty doubles are ambiguous which is terrible to have in any language. This ambiguity confuses competitive auctions at almost every level. We are in the midst of developing something better called D.S.I.P. competitive doubles. Stan Cabay , Tom Gandolfo & I have bought into them big time . We just need more research to clarify all the nuances & shortcomings of a new theory . Stay tuned.