Monday, October 31, 2005 12:53 PM

Hand Evaluation – Tactics ( Inferential Stoppers )




            Sometimes you are dealt unbidable hands in Bridge. One re-occurring theme is holding huge hands without a stopper in the opponents suit. The auction goes 3-P-P-? , you have ♠A Jxx KQ ♣AQJ10xxx . What do you bid ? This is a “bidding the table” action bid. What did not happen at the table ? RHO did not bid 4 or make any move pre-emptive or otherwise. This increases the odds that partner may have a heart card so you bid her stopper for her by balancing 3NT. One of the purposes of them pre-empting is to get you out of your rightful 3NT so let’s try for that 9 trick game anyway.


            Quite often at the one level , you have a balanced hand but no full stopper in the opponents suit. You have length though. Sometimes you bid an “inferential stopper” . They did not compete so you bid partners assumed stopper for her ! 



? ♠10xx Ax AKxxAKxx  bid 1NT anyway . This is better than a double as it shows your balanced hand & HCP range in one bid. 2 out of 3 criteria for your bid is not bad as the 3rd was supposed to be a spade stopper.


            Susan bid a hand nicely in the CNTC zone finals .Ax AKQ9 AKQxxxx , 1♣ opener to your right . You start with a double , partner bids 1 . They tried to be scientific at my table & bid 2♣. Partner replied the “death response” of 2. They now leapt to 5 & went down two vulnerable. Susan made a better & more practical bid. She leapt to 3NT with no stopper in their suit !  This is a better bid for a number of reasons. The opponents did not compete in clubs or rebid clubs . 4 clubs could be all the tricks they are taking in 3NT & an 11 trick game does not seem possible. Partner may have Jxxx in clubs for you , which is not very helpful in a 5 contract. 3NT makes as the opener held only 4 clubs & had 4 hearts to the jack. You preserve your one & only board entry in diamonds to take your heart finesse after dropping the doubleton 10 from LHO. 800 swing is 13 IMPS.


            Modern pre-empting style must be taken into consideration. The Gartaganis team have the awful habit ( in my opinion anyway ) of opening weak two’s on any suit quality regardless of vulnerability. You hold  Ax xxx AQxx ♣AJ10x , a member of that team opens a weak 2 so it gets passed around to you in the balancing position.  A double does not describe this hand very well as you are short in spades. My partner and I have the understanding that if they are vul & we are not , a double just shows “cards” so partner can convert their filthy pre-empts easily for penalty. On all other vulnerabilities , I would balance 2NT with this hand. I have the HCP strength  with the balanced distribution  that the bid shows. The heart stopper is inferred from bidding the table. Their style of weak two’s with the fact that RHO took no pre-emptive action makes 2NT the most practical bid. If RHO does double , partner knows that running to a minor is the best bet as spades would be shown by doubling.


            Sometimes your stopper is based on the opponents finding the right lead. My partner had the classic hand for this ploy. AJxxx Axxxx x KJ  & I opened 3♣ vul so what do you bid ? Finding a major fit is nearly impossible & an 11 trick game in clubs is very anti-percentage . You can count 9 tricks in 3NT though if they do not lead a diamond. Opponents always seem to lead a major in these auctions. Time to strike with a 3NT bid. The opponents lead a heart & you claim your 9 tricks. Yes , a diamond lead would have beat the hand.


            There are no guarantees in the game of Bridge so intelligent risk tasking is necessary. As Chris Buchanan points out “ we are crazy but not stupid” . Bidding NT without a stopper may be crazy but not stupid if bidding the table decreases the risk. The psychological aspect of bidding 3NT without a stopper cannot be overlooked. Everyone knows that you must have a stopper in their suit to bid NT so you bid a “psychological stopper”. This thought often deters an opening lead in that suit so that partner can come through the stopper. When partner opens a minor , the suit is quite not even led anyway in these auctions. A major suit is quite often a better choice . Not this time J