Hand Evaluation - Intent to Injure
& stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me” . Everybody
knows that silence is golden at the Bridge table. Humans are human though so if
something is blurted that has “no attempt to injure” as they say in the sport
of hockey” , let it go. If partner is just “filling the airways”, but is not angry or trying to put you
down , relax & ignore them. They are usually wrong with their analysis
anyway , so retaliate in the bar later. Learn from the ducks who let water slip
off their backs very easily.
handles the stress of competition
differently. The ideal partnership is like Meckwell who say absolutely nothing
at the table. The worst partnership are those who yell & scream at each
other. Your partnership falls somewhere between those two extremes. In sports
like Basketball & Hockey there is “trash talk” . This is talking for the
sake of talking aimed at the opponents. Their intent is to throw the opponents
off their game. If partner does that to the opponents, it is unethical.
Why is she doing it to you ? Who knows , but If partner has no ill will intended
with the comments, just tune it
out & deem it a cost of doing business. You will drive yourself crazy otherwise.
way of handling partners who wish to analyze verbally after far too many hands is just to laugh. Pretend they have
just said a funny joke & you are laughing at the punch line. I think they
will tire of making comments if the reaction is always laughter.
Silence is not the way of handling such partners nor is debating the
answer. Getting angry , irritated or frustrated are not good Bridge emotions
either. Laughter is the best medicine.
Hammon says that sometimes in the game of Bridge you get a bloody nose. You can
not be too sensitive & thin skinned. Just ask yourself a question. Was the
comment intended as
a vindictive put down ? If no , just ignore & if yes , get another partner.
It is just that simple.
partners usually do not result
hands at the table. If we screw up , we are allowed to discuss it at smoke
breaks or away from the table. If partner does blurt out a comment , do not
burn her at the stake. Just laugh & on to the next hand. Hopefully partner
will get the message , at the table analysis is not beneficial to the partnership. If not , keep on laughing .J You
will play better Bridge & live longer.