Sunday, October 08, 2006 3:47 PM
Hand Evaluation – Shooting vrs
Most modern experts
“shoot” to their games rather than inviting with distribution. This style does a
number of good things. 1) Puts pressure on the opening leader to lead blind 2)
prevents penalty or lead directing doubles that are more common on invitational
auctions 3) Conceals your hand from the defense 4) uses the mathematics of the
IMP scale ( lucky games making ) .
this modern inclination ,
I think some “obvious” invitational sequences should ( could ? )
be forcing. I had a hand with Perry where we got to the wrong spot. Perry held ♠AKQJxx ♥xx ♦Kx ♣10xx & opened 1♠ . I bid a forcing NT with ♠Jxx ♥AKxx ♦Q10x ♣Qxx & Perry rebid 2♠.
Bidding 3NT by me would have worked with this hand but percentagewise
concealing your spade
fit is not the way to go. I bid 4♠ which was defeated with
two ruffs.
not have 3♠ as forcing to game &
offering a choice of contracts
between 3NT & the major ? You do not know
declarer’s hand type so let her decide the
best game. Perry had a source of tricks for NT ,
so 9 tricks in NT was easy. We went two down in 4♠ as the opponents
negotiated a diamond ruff & a club ruff. These type
of invitational bids are lame in practice anyway. A raise to 3 spades does not
give any more information other than scattered HCP’s. Alternatively, have a leap to 3NT
giving a choice of games between NT & 4 of partner’s major.
Quite often you bid a forcing NT with hands
holding as many as 13 HCP. You bid
a forcing NT , partner bids another suit . A jump
raise is only invitational . Why not have this bid
forcing instead showing doubt between a major game or 3NT ? You
can always jump to 4 of a major with hands obviously better suited to a game in
the major. Alternatively you can always leap to 3NT. With invitational
hands, use fit showing
jumps instead. At least partner has some ammunition
on which to base her decision.
of a major followed by a forcing NT , a rebid & then 2NT would work much
better if it were forcing
one round rather than the traditional invitational bid that
could be passed. Stopping on a dime in 2NT was built
for matchpoints. In IMPS, who cares in what
partial we play the hand. Having this bid forcing one round ,
allows opener to clarify her hand type so leaping to 3NT
is not necessary. A number of escape sequences could be built into this
structure. You can assign a meeting to a leap to 3NT as giving a choice of
contracts with partner’s major.
are probably other invitational sequences better used as forcing but I can not think of them now. As long as you have other ways
of inviting like fit showing jumps you do not need the traditional invites. In matchpoints ,
where accuracy is paramount obviously all invitational
bids must
remain. In IMPS, where the idea is not to miss games ,
there is a case for dropping invitational
bids altogether. Just blast to game or make a forcing to game bid.
As some of my old partners used to say , bidding game is a “game try”.