2007-09-22 09:20
Hand Evaluation – HCPS ( Mental Notes )
a “human HCP odometer” is one of the skills an expert player has in her repertoire . This skill is just another in a series of “mental notes” that a
good player makes both on defense & as declarer. Like all good Bridge
habits, you
have to train yourself to do it though.
It is much easier than
you think
, so give it a try. Do not let your Bridge inferiority complex rob you
of having this skill.
I kibitzed Tom Gandolfo play a 1NT contract in a local club game against Wayne Shaw & Ed Lam .
x |
A |
K |
A |
x |
J |
x |
Q |
9 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Q |
Q |
x |
K |
10 |
10 |
x |
10 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
side was vulnerable & the opponents were not. Debbie opened 1♦ & Tom responded
1NT & that ended the auction. Wayne led his 4th best spade which
looked like a 5 card suit. Tom played small & Ed Lam produced the jack. Tom
won his queen & led
the ♥Q & ran it &
the queen won the trick. What is going on here & how do you proceed ? Being a human HCP odometer , you notice that LHO
has a 5 card spade suit to the AKxxx & if he held the heart king its very likely
he would have bid 2♠. If he indeed held the heart king
, the diamonds must be all offside or else he
would have certainly bid. Wayne not covering the heart King with the 9
showing on the dummy is very suspicious.
If the heart king is indeed offside , the roof is
about to cave in for down 3 vul. Tom has 1♠ , 2♥ & possibly 4♣
tricks so he can make 1NT or go 1 down. 2♠ looks like it could
make the other direction so Tom cashes out for making 1NT. This was worth a top
as there were many –200 & –100 N/S & if he took the heart finesse
again he would have been –300 for a zero. Ed Lam had held up on the ♥K when he had 1NT
beat for +300.
A Tormentee held this hand & bought the contract in 2♥ against Linda Taschuk .
J |
9 |
Q |
K |
10 |
x |
J |
x |
x |
x |
10 |
x |
9 |
x |
A |
A |
Q |
x |
Q |
x |
J |
10 |
10 |
x |
9 |
x |
opened 1♦ , the Tormentee overcalled 1♥ , LHO made a
negative double. I passed , Linda bid 1♠ &
the Tormentee bought the contract in 2♥. LHO led a small spade , Linda won the king & Ace and returned a 3rd
one which the Tormentee ruffed. Mental
note time. Opener has shown up with ♠AK but not the queen. The Tormentee led the ♣queen ,
Linda won her Ace & returned a club which the Tormentee
won on the board. Now what ? Opener has shown up with
11 HCP so far so if she holds the diamond King , she can not hold the king of trump. In fact ,
if she had the diamond king, she may not
have sold out for 2♥. It looks like Linda
wants to ruff clubs so taking the ♥ finesse is not a
good idea. You lay down the Ace & you get rewarded with the ♥K dropping
. You scamper home with 4♥ , 3♣ & 1♦ tricks for +110 & a top board.
are not used to players who count HCP’s on defense. Practicing deception as
declarer is a must against these type of players. When
you have an AK , always win the trick with the Ace. A
KQJ combination , win the King etc. Deception will not fool partner as she is
supposed to be sleeping as
an HCP odometer is much easier
than you would ever expect , as Bridge players count
HCP’s all the time when they pick up their hand. You have trained yourself to
do it & have already
acquired this skill. Take the next
step & take this skill for a test
drive. You will like it.