Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:05 AM
Hand Evaluation - Multi 3♣ SJS
The primary purpose of the multi-purpose 3♣
strong jump shift is preserving the
principle of fast arrival.
There is no need now to jump to game
in a major with a huge hand. The
jump to game in a major shows a hand you would have
pre-empted 4 of a major but you have an outside
control. If you have a strong hand , you
preserve bidding room by bidding 3♣.
Goren jump rebid in a major is
defined as invitational with
an awkward 16-18 HCP range. This range sometimes prompted responder to really stretch & bid 3NT
or game. No more , with the 3♣ multi jump shift.
The top end hands are bid with a 3♣ jump , not a
jump rebid in the major.
means that the range for a jump rebid is lowered
& more quality of suit
orientated. Strong hands where 3NT might be a viable option are described with
3♣. ♠AKQJ10x
♥x ♦Axx ♣xxx after a 1NT response is a
3♠ rebid. Add another king so it’s a 3♣ rebid. ♠AKQJ10x
♥x ♦Axx ♣Kxx is just too strong for a 3♠ rebid. You do not
want partner as responder to stretch thinking there are hands like this
for a jump rebid.
held ♠Ax ♥AQJxxxx ♦xx ♣Kx , opened 1♥ . Tom Gandolfo
responded 1NT so I rebid 3♥. Tom now with the 3♣
SJS inference
has an easy pass.
He does not have to stretch to 3NT thinking that there is 17-18 HCP’s waiting
for him. That will no longer happen
playing the multi 3♣ SJS.
not forget that 1♠-P-1NT-P
3♥ is invitational. This
means that the 1NT responder no longer has to be pushy with their heart
raises. Not playing the multi 3♣ SJS ,
the raise to 3♥ was almost obligatory due to the ridiculous range of a 2♥ rebid. The 3♣
SJS inference keeps simple major
rebids & jump rebids under
we have modified the 3♣ SJS. If we have a diamond strong shift after a
1NT or a major response , we bid 2NT. By “breaking the
relay” to 3NT after
or if partner bids 3♣ , we show the ♦
jump shif with 4 cards.