Thursday, September 14, 2006 4:14 AM
Hand Evaluation – Partnership ( Bidding Your Hand )
of the basics of partnership Bridge is that it is a
partnership. This means that each side shares the work load. You have an obligation to describe your own hand but
you do not have to bid partner’s hand for her.
There is an assumption that partner is competent enough to bid her own hand.
A Tormentee
held this hand ♠QJ1098xx ♥x ♦xx ♣xxx vul
vrs nv
with a 1♥ bid to her right. She felt that pre-empting vul vrs not was an act of
terrorism. Most Bridge experts would agree with that judgment
. She chose to pass , LHO bid 2♥ & to her surprise
partner & RHO both passed !! When the opponents sell out at the two level , it is assumed that they hold ½ the deck . You are blessed with a full 3
HCP so partner may have as much as 17 HCP . Why did partner not bid ? The answer to that should be
obvious as you are looking at 7 spades.
The Tormentee balanced 2♠ to a resounding
double by LHO . Partner bid 2NT which the Tormentee correctly alerted as “scrambling” .
Partner thinks you ran into a trump stack & balanced with something like ♠Kxxxx ♥x ♦Q109xx ♣xx . He has the inference that you did not overcall or
pre-empt initially. However , RHO rescues you by
bidding 3♥ so you are off the hook right ? Wrong
, do not forget you balanced vul vrs nv
so partner has a great many HCP. Partner doubles so around to you again. The
first thing you must do is correct partners
impression of your hand. There is no trump stack on this auction , as your spade suit is 5 sure tricks so is totally
useless for defense or for any
other suit other than
bid 3♠ so again the double card surfaces. Partner gets the
message this time & passes. The final result is +730 or +930 depending on
the defense as partners hand is ♠xx ♥AJx ♦AJ109 ♣AKxx . Dora Lee’s partner
played the hand in 4♠ for +620. This
auction is a basic Bridge decision
based on the cards you were dealt. Single suited hands play terribly in other
suits as this Tormentee found out who bid 4♣ so
was doubled for –800 . Hand evaluation is the first priority rather
than trying to guess what partner
has. Paint a picture of your
own hand & do not try to guess what
partner has. Bridge bidding in a
partnership game just works better that way. Describe your own hand
& do not try to bid partner’s hand.
Tormentee held this hand ♠KJx ♥AKxxxx ♦void ♣Jxxx with partner being a passed hand. His RHO opened 2♦ so he overcalled 2♥ & LHO bid 3♦ which passed hand
partner doubles. Leaving the double in of course is not an option so what do
you bid ? Partner’s double may be “just cards” or the
perfect responsive double with the black suits. Why guess
partner’s hand though , when you first duty is to
clarify your own overcall ? Partner does not know
you have a minimum 12 HCP overcall with a nice 6 card suit headed by the AK.
Why not inform her of that fact ? A rebid of your suit
says just that with one bid. Do not
bid partner’s hand for her by assuming that she has the black suits. If she
does have the black suits , she will bid 3♠ so
you have found your club or spade fit. If you bid 4♣ originally you are
overstating your values by going to the 4 level &
just guessing partner’s hand. What if you did hold a good hand with a secondary
club suit ? Bid the hand the same way as you would 12
HCP with a ♣Jxxx suit ?
You have introduced ambiguity by
trying to bid partner’s hand for her. Describe
& bid your own hand.