Monday, October 24, 2005 4:31 AM

Hand Evaluation -  One Suiters ( Controls )




            Michaels Q bids & unusual 2NT are either/or bids . They are weak designed to complicate the opponents auctions or very strong as strong two suiters are hard to describe. What about monster one suiters when the opponents have opened the bidding ?  We prefer keeping the T/O double & monster one suiters as far apart as possible . This is especially so in the balancing position as partner quite often converts for penalty when we do not want her to. Charles Goren almost had the right idea to describe these hands. He suggested a direct Q bid to describe these monster hands. We think a Goren Q bid is the device to show these one suited monsters but a jump Q bid.


            Playing a jump Q bid as natural is a terrible waste of a good bid. Yes , I know they open bad minors so you could hold 7 of them so back in later. Jump Q bids in the major ask partner to bid 3NT with a stopper in the opponents suit. Why not make these bids as an either/or bid also ? If you now pull 3NT to your suit , you have slam on your mind. You can make these jump Q bids with any monster one suiter.


            One bidding theorist came up with the idea of “coded  responses when partner makes a jump Q bid in the minor or major. These jump Q bids in the opponent’s minor still ask partner to bid 3NT as with the major but just respond controls if you do not have a stopper. If partner bid 3 , she has one or less , a response of 3 shows two or more. Partner knows where the hand is going to be played , she just does not what level.


            A jump Q bid in the major works the same. You want to be in 3NT but if partner does not have a stopper in their suit , automated control showing is in effect. She bids 4♣ with 1 or less & 4 with two or more.  Lets try out some hands .x Axx AKQJ10xx ♣Jx  1 to your right so you bid 3 . Partner has no spade stopper so she bids 4♣ saying she has one or less control. You sign off in 4 as that is probably too high already. If partner bids 4 showing two or more controls , you can bid 5 or if your hand was stronger bid normal Blackwood.


            OK now the jump Q bids in the minors .  These are “control asking” bids similar to the Barton strain if partner does not bid 3NT.  I do not like control asking bids in theory as they are too single handed. However , what better time to be single handed when you have a monster one suiter ?  I held this hand playing with BJ the other night. ♠AKQJxxx AKxx x ♣x , RHO opened 1 . Over 3 bid by me puts partner in a straight jacket so he must show controls if no stopper. BJ bids 3 showing two or more controls. I bid 4NT ( straight Blackwood ) , with one ace , I contract for a spade slam so that makes for +1430. If the opponents interfere ,  DOPI is in effect . Double shows the first step & pass the 2nd step.


            Here is a hand from the Bridge World. RHO opens 1♥, you have ♠AKQJxxxx void Ax ♣AJx . The popular BWS response was to make a takeout double. A double is horribly inadequate in my opinion. Bid a jump Q bid of 3 , partner bids 4 showing 2 or more controls. As she did not bid 3NT as requested, these controls must be outside the heart suit , specifically the two minor suit kings !! You now have 12 tricks and the odds that the club queen being with the opening bidder or suit establishment/squeeze possibilities you bid 7. Try getting their any other way !!