Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:40 AM

Hand Evaluation – Over Their  NT ( Toys )




            Everyone has their toy over strong or weak NT’s . The toy that my partners & I play is very simple. We have not bought into the “modern” notion of non penalty doubles over their NT. A double is penalty & shows at least their HCP range with a reasonable opening lead. The double also covers one suited hands too strong to bid directly. The 2 overcall shows the majors , 2♣ overcall shows the minors. This is the same in the balancing spot also.


            If partner can not stand the penalty double,  we have an automatic run out  ( scramble ) to 2♣ unless we have a long suit of our own in which to escape. A pass should show a half dozen HCP’s or more so partner is not perpetually end played. A major suit overcall is single suited hand with HCP’s up to a double value. If we are maximum with our major overcall , we usually back in with a D.S.I.P. double to show our values & ask permission to bid again.


            If we overcall at the 3 level in a minor ,  it’s a one suited hand in that minor and not strong enough to double initially. A jump to the 3 level in a major shows a very long suit needing a trick or two from partner to make game. It is not pre-emptive as an overcall at the two level does not promise the worlds fair and can be surprisingly pre-emptive.


            How do we handle two suiters especially over weak NT’s ? We play Roman jumps over weak twos. A Roman jump is a two suiter shown by a leap to the 4 level in your minor indicating a long major also. A jump to the 4 level over a NT to show a single suited minor hand is redundant to our leap to the 3 level in a minor. So why not play it as a Roman jump ? Partner bids 4 to ask for the major so  the deed is done.


            How about any minor – major two suiter  combination but you do not want to jump to the four level for safety reasons ? An overcall of 2NT shows any two suiter that is a major - minor combination. Our 2♣ & 2covers two suiters in the minors & majors so disturb their NT with a 2NT bid with the mixed combination. You have ♠KQ10xx xx KQJxxx  they open 1NT , you should  overcall 2NT at favourable vulnerability. Partner bids 3♣ if he is interested in playing in your minor , 3 if he is interested in your major. It’s a pass or correct scenario made famous by the multi 2. If he wants to force to game he bids 3NT with the same pass or correct sequence is used by partner bidding his minor.


            You hold ♠AJ109x x AKQxxxx , a weak NT to your right. You bid 4 so partner bids 4 . You correct to 4 and you have described your hand and playing strength in one fell swoop. Strong two suiters are very difficult to describe over weak NTs ( rare against strong NT’s ) but could happen. A jump to the 4 level does the job quite well when you have the other two suiters covered by your 2♣ & 2 bid.


            What is a double of a strong NT in the balancing position ? Playing it as a flat 10 HCP is a match point gamble. If you have a strong balanced hand , it is best to pass as partner has nothing anyway. Tom Gandolfo suggests using the double as a single suited minor balance. You do not have to jump to the 3 level and with the appropriate club/diamond holding partner may convert for penalty. What is a direct double if the doubler is a passed hand ? It can not be penalty so use that as a natural 2♣ or 2 overcall ! Again avoiding the 3 level to show your minor overcall makes good Bridge sense.


            The auction one of a minor with 1NT by the opponents needs a toy to get in the auction either in the sandwich or balancing position. Preserving the double as penalty is sound Bridge. Tom Gandolfo suggest following the same logic as we play over a NT directly . Bid 2 regardless of the minor opened for the majors , bid 2♣ regardless of the minor opening for the minors. Direct doubles are penalty with all balancing doubles of their NT .


            Every established partnership needs a toy vrs their NT opener or a 1NT response to a minor. Discuss with partner.