One of the basics of Bridge that gets
missed time & time again is the relationship between a
penalty double or conversion & partner's suit. A penalty
double or conversion means I am very short in your
suit partner so I do not detract from the defensive potenials of
your HCP's. The auction is a misfit meaning I do not
fit your suit when I double , convert for penalty or
sometimes just by not competing. This is a Bridge Law !!
An experienced player held this hand all vul
♠Ax ♥J10 ♦AQ
♣Q10987xx , her RHO opened 1♠ so she overcalled 2♣ & LHO bid 2♠ .
Partner bid 3♦ & RHO bid 4♠ so what do you do ? 6
of your HCP's are in partner's suit so a double is eliminated
automatically. Expert players would bid 4NT which is an invitation to bid 5♣
with diamond tolerance. Our herorine doubled & a double game swing occured .
5♦X is cold for +750 & partner with a void in
clubs left in your penalty double for -590 your way.
A player held this hand ♠void
♥AJxx ♦AKJx
♣Kxxxx & opened 1♦ which his LHO
doubled. I passed & RHO bid 1NT so you competed to 2♣ . This was passed by
partner so her diamond length is now known. Your RHO bids 2♠ so you
show your strength by doubling . Partner converts for penalty & this board
hits ♠AKx ♥KQ10x ♦xxx ♣109x . How do you defend ? Applying patterns
in the trump suit is your first duty. Partner has 6♠ !! You know partner only
has 3♣ ( NT bidder has a doubleton ) & she showed preference by passing so
she has 2 or less diamonds. You continue diamonds & partner discards a
heart. You continue diamonds & partner ruffs & returns the ♠Q . Declarer
is on the board so he tries the club finesse. This loses so you return a diamond
which partner ruffs & returns the ♠J . Again declarer is on the dummy so he
leads a club to his Ace & a heart towards the dummy which you duck . He
ruffs a club so he gets 3♠ tricks , 1♣ , 1♥ for
down 3 doubled.
Knowing that partner was extremely short in
your suit made defending this hand easy ! My
hand ♠QJ109xx ♥xxx ♦x ♣Jxx . Happiness is hearing partner doubling 2♠
n'est ce pas ?