Sunday, January 15, 2006 4:20 PM

Hand Evaluation - Picture Bids




            Once in a while in the game of Bridge , one partner has an opportunity to show her hand so accurately its like “painting a picture” for partner. My partner had an opportunity to make such a “picture bid “. With 15 –17 HCP we open 1NT with a 5 card major. If we do not open 1NT , it is because we have too many points concentrated in our 5 card major , We feel opening the major is more descriptive. ♠Jxx AKJxx KxAxx is a hand that is better opened 1 , I had ♠xxx x Ax ♣KQJ98xx so consistent with our system I bid 2♣ ( rebid non forcing to game) . Partner now made a “picture bid” of 3NT. This shows 15-17 HCP in our system after a 2/1 , so why did he not open 1NT?. He must have a high concentration of HCP’s in hearts !! It cannot be that he judged his hand too strong to open 1NT or he would have rebid 2NT ( the either or range ) of balanced hands. Warned of the duplication of value of value in hearts , I passed so we made 3NT on the nose as they cashed 4 spade tricks.


            Change partner’s hand to ♠KQx Axxxx KxAxx , with the concentrated doubleton & weak heart suit , a 1NT opener is a more descriptive bid. I now bid 2 which shows all ♣ hands ♠xxx x Ax ♣KQJ987x . Partner bids 2NT which is a super accept in clubs. I bid 3 which shows a stiff heart with the stronger range club hands,  so partner bids 4♣ KCB . We reach 6♣ which is cold with a 4-3 heart break.


            Serious 3NT is another area where “picture bids” come into play. The old principle of “fast arrival” is extinct in forcing to game auctions where one hand is unlimited .






            What does the 4 bid show as in an unlimited auction partner must bid controls ?  Answer – there are no controls to bid !!xx AKQJ10 QJ10x ♣xx  This is a “picture bid” shows that all my points are in the heart suit with no outside controls. Sound familiar ??


            Patterning out is painting a picture of your distribution while showing extra values . This is a strength of a natural bidding system as opposed to an artificial system. The godfather 2NT by responder was invented in part to allow opener to pattern out & paint a picture of her hand below game. Serious 3NT & courtesy Q bids were invented to keep slam exploration below game. Do not use bidding room by jumping unless you are painting a picture of your hand to partner.