Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:34 AM
Hand Evaluation – Suits ( Quick
Trick Exception )
One of the meanings of an opening bid , is that you have suitable defense for partner or
yourself to make penalty doubles . Another purpose of the opening bid is to announce controls so you can compete , bid game or slam.
The fact that you open at the one level rather than the 2
, 3 , or 4 level , is you are announcing
a hand with defensive
capabilities. This defense , measured in quick tricks define an opening
bid. Without at least 2
quick tricks , means in most cases you do not have an opening bid , you have a pre-empt or
a pass. Partner has
conditioned herself & her bidding judgment by expecting quick tricks for an opener. These expected controls are
important for competing , game & slam bidding and
of course penalty situations.
are made to be broken though. Garazzo says “Bridge is
a game of suits” . A good suit is the ultimate in the game of Bridge. Passing
good suits not only deprives you of firing the first shot which is a tactical
advantage but good suits are excellent “prevent defense” .
We have all been victims of games or slams making because partner did not make
the right lead.
If you pass a good suit , you risk the auction go
1NT-P 3NT so partner misses your good suit with her opening lead.
you have a good solid or semi-solid suit , you do not need quick tricks for the opening bid.
You do not play gambling 3NT , you have ♠xxx ♥x ♦AKQJ10xx ♣xx is this an opening
bid ? Yes ,
this is , because you have the suit requirement for an opening bid with a built
in “fail safe” for partners penalty doubles. You simply pull her penalty double
to the safety of your suit & you have further described your opening. Open
this hand 1♦ , keep rebidding
diamonds until partner gets the message you hold nothing else. Partner right
sides the 3NT & you have 7 tricks for her.
you “play the vulnerability’ , a tactic is getting your suit in for a lead at any excuse. On this terrorist vulnerability , a lead directing suit equates to an opening
bid. Nv vrs vul ♠xxxx ♥xx ♦Jx ♣AKQ10x equates to an
opening bid in any seat . This hand is passed with
all 3
other vulnerabilities. Terrorists who do not respect vulnerability would open
this hand in all vulnerabilities.
This gets mostly partner in the long run as you do not have the defense for an
opening bid.& your suit is not long enough for safety purposes. Playing the vulnerability is just that , as partner has conditioned herself for this type of
terrorism when leeway is “built
into” the system.
your hand via quick tricks is way more
than opening bids. Quick tricks are also used for deciding whether to make t/o dbls ,
balancing doubles , whether or not to pre-empt & converting partners
doubles. Quick tricks come up in forcing
pass decisions , penalty doubles & all bidding
decisions. HCP’s do not .
Get away from just counting your beans. Look at your HCP’s & evaluate your quick
that quick tricks define an opening bid
but rules are made to be broken when the hand or vulnerability calls for it. A good suit can override quick trick
requirements for an opening bid. If you have a balanced 12 count with little or no quick tricks ,
you pass. This is to keep partner’s blood pressure at the normal levels. You can not make game unless partner has an opening bid anyway
so what is the hurry ? Bid 2NT as a passed hand if
partner opens & partner knows that you have soft values with a bad opener. If you
are out to con the opponents & take partner with you ,
open 12 HCP vul & give the opponents options to
gain a penalty &
mislead partner at the same time. Trust me ,
as I have played Bridge for 40 years & that attitude is 100 % fool proof for bad results.