2008-02-18 23:09
Hand Evaluation – Overcalls ( Rank of Suits )




            The rank of suits in Bridge , define equal level conversion. The ranks of the remaining suits must be such that there is a choice of suits at the same level. Hence the name , equal level conversion.



 P-2♠                 is not equal level conversion as you did not give partner a choice of two suits at the same level. This sequence shows a strong hand.




 P-2                      is equal level conversion as partner can now choose spades & diamonds  at the two level.


            This is why equal level conversion does not work with the lowly club suit. Due to the rank of that suit , you cannot offer partner a choice between two suits at the same level.


            Whenever partner makes a jump bid after his T/O double , equal level conversion no longer applies. You just pass the invitational bid if you have a weak hand with the two other suits. Therefore , if partner makes any bid after a jump bid , a game force is on. My partner had this hand Kxx AKQxxx xx ♣Ax & they opened 1♣. She felt this hand was too strong for a mere heart overcall , so she doubled . She also has support for the other major which probably influenced her decision to double Anyway , I responded two spades to her T/O double so now what ? A 3 bid describes her hand nicely showing a strong heart overcall type of single suited hand.  I bid 3NT so partner has a choice of passing or returning to 4♠. 3NT is cold on a club lead & 4♠ has a chance with favourable breaks. 4does not make as my hand was ♠Q10xx void AJ9xx ♣Q98x  . 3NT is simple as I win the expected ♣ lead & lead a spade. If they jump with the spade Ace , they give me 3 spades so along with my two clubs , A & 3’s that is 9 tricks. If they duck the spade Ace , I establish the hearts & take 2♣ , 5 , 1♠ & 1for 9 tricks .


            The worst bid you can make is 4 as that is just guessing my hand & unilaterally placing the contract. This sequence demands a pass which I would do if I held 5 spades or even 6 , as partner may have a spade void for all I know. Also 3NT is taken out of the mix when your heart suit could be a source of tricks for that contract. 4 has a nice pre-emptive effect on partner so the bid should be based on solid hearts . You preserve useful bidding space to find the best contract & invite partner’s opinion on determining the final contract. Nowhere during this auction did responder say he had any sort of heart tolerance.


            Equal level conversion might confuse T/O doubles on what is forcing & what is not. It should not though , as you let the rank of suits decide that issue. Any bid after an invitational bid is game forcing though as you are not trying to improve a partial in IMPS. If partner jumps to a new suit after a making a T/O

Double this is an intermediate two suiters. We have other ways to show two suited hands.