Wednesday, October 05, 2005
4:31 AM
modern bidding , 2NT as natural in competitive auctions has gone the way of
the dinosaur. The 2NT bid has better uses as the good bad 2NT, a two suiter or scrambling.
Is 2NT every natural in a competitive auction ? Yes a
direct 2NT is natural & limit raise plus in competition. In addition
,, I believe the 2NT bid should retain its original natural meaning in the re-opening position by both
sides. The bid should be based on “playability” rather than HCP strength
as we also have a double as an option.
2NT should be natural based on playability.
2NT natural
if partner has not bid but the
opponents have bid & supported each other ? With
light overcalls & light raises , you can be talked
out of many 3NT games if you forego the 2NT natural bid.
2NT is again natural based on
playability. It can not be the “good bad” 2NT as you
do not want to announce to a passing partner that you
are weak .
A double does not show the long suit
with a stopper in their suit. A pass does the job nicely if you are weak.
If partner as well as both opponents have bid & we are at the two
level ,
the 2NT bid is the good bad 2NT.
sandwich position is the only the element of competition
that changes the meaning of a 2NT bid.
There must be bidding in the sandwich
position at the two level & by partner before the meaning of 2NT
changes. If you are left alone , of course 2NT bids are natural. In the balancing spot , 1♦-P-P-2NT is 18-19 HCP
, not unusual.
can have special understandings with partner after
a T/O double that 2NT is the good bad 2NT if they bid in the
sandwich position. 1♠-x-2♠-2NT
is the good bad 2NT . A double shows a 2NT bid so is responsive. Playing
D.S.I.P. doubles , you use a double as an old
fashioned 2NT bid in many cases.
P-P-X-P since the doubler
is in front of the 2♠ bidder , the double is
equivalent to an old fashioned 2NT bid. A 2NT bid in that position would be
takeout to the minors.
a double would be penalty , a 2NT bid retains its original natural meaning.
2♠-X is penalty showing a spade trap behind the bidder. A 2NT bid in this
situation must be natural as there is no D.S.I.P. double to substitute for a
natural 2NT bid. We still must be able to get to our 3NT game in balancing
auctions. 2NT natural is not completely dead
in competitive auctions. This auction
2NT is the good bad 2NT as a
double is not penalty in these
auctions. If we held a natural 2NT bid in this auction , we can double to announce our strength. It is more
important in the scheme of things to have a bid at the 3 level as invitational when they interfere at the two level
in the sandwich position.
about re-opening 2NT bids after a weak two
gets passed around to you ? A balancing 1NT does not
promise a stopper in openers suit. The only reason the auction got
around to you is that partner
has trapped in
your suit so it is safe to play partner for the stopper(s). Balancing 2NT also
involves bidding the table. You
are bidding what the opponents did not do as well as your own hand. RHO did not raise to 3 of partners suit to be a nuisance. Why , because many times he too short in partners suit to do
so. So there is a reasonable chance
of a stopper being in your partners hand. Most of the time , a 2NT balance will show a strong NT range hand with a stopper in
their suit but there are fix hands. ♠ xx
♥Jxx ♦AKJx ♣AKJx and the auction goes 2♥-P-P-? I would balance 2NT by playing partner for a
heart stopper. Even if she does not , they may lead an
off suit J
this hand vul vrs nv opponent who opened 3♥ around to you in the
balancing . ♠AQ
♥xx ♦Axx ♣AQ1098x again I would balance 3NT.
Instead of balancing over the distribution of the unknown HCP’s
, with this hand I will balance playing
partner for the heart stopper. Again RHO took no pre-emptive action
so I am giving partner some heart cards. You pre-empt yourself out of 3NT by
bidding 4♣ and a double could get you into trouble. 3NT seems like the best lie.
2’s & 3’s especially by “modern bidders” are designed specifically to keep
you out of your 3NT game. Never & I mean never play 2NT as unusual against these bids.
2NT is a flat natural bid designed to get to 3NT. A 3rd seat 2♠ and around to you in
the balancing with ♠QJx ♥J10x ♦AKxxx ♣xx . I would bid 2NT as I
am bidding the table. Partner should have something and 2NT is the most
descriptive bid towards game.
Playing 2NT as unusual is playing
into the pre-empters hands.
idea also applies when they bid a
weak jump shift or a
weak jump overcall. Again pre-emption is designed to keep you out of
the bidding. When you bid 2NT it is natural trying
to get to your game. Yes , you are taking a risk but
by not bidding you are taking a risk. Knowing when 2NT is natural & when it
is not , is still another job for determining the
“context of the auction” .
Nobody says Bridge is easy.