April 05, 2003 5:26 PM
Hand Evaluation – Tactics ( Relays In Bridge )
Bridge experts
should be able to incorporate relays
into their bidding system . Relays take an “idle bid”
& define a meaning to relay sequences
using that suit. After that, the fact
that you did or did not relay
makes a whole new set of bids available . Relays should
always follow the Lebensohl model . Direct natural bidding should be stronger so the relays show the weaker or
invitational hands. The following relays are
recommended for established partnerships:
XYZ 2♣ is a relay to 2♦ so invitational sequences follow that . Prevents stupid
up the line bidding to find 4-4 major fits & allows a NT rebids
to show all balanced hands. Allows natural jumps
to be strong. Prevents 4th suit forcing at
the one level as the auction remaining at the one level for 3 rounds triggers the bid.
Lebensohl This treatment specifically uses the NT bid to relay to clubs to differentiate forcing from competitive/weak . Used over 1NT interference , weak 2’s , reverses , opponents 4 level major bids & pulling high level penalty doubles . Always shows weakness so a direct action would be stronger with different meanings.
2 Clubs Relays are used to
describe hard to bid two suited hands . 2♣
- 2♦ folowed by 2♥ is a relay to spades . A new suit bid shows the two suiter with hearts as the anchor suit. 2NT is now idle as the normal NT auctions would circumvent the relay .
Therefore 2NT can show stronger balanced hands ( Kokish ). A 2♠ bid is a relay to 2NT so you
show two suiters with spades as the anchor suit.
Sandwich Position
When the opponents bid in the sandwich position at the two level , 2NT is the “good-bad 2NT” to show all competitive hands . This brings
back the concept of “free bids” to show
extra ( invitational ) . The 2NT bid
demands a relay to 3♣ so a bid is now competitive .
2NT Openers Getting to minor slams are difficult . 3♠ to relay to 3NT then the bids after that can show all types of minor slam sequences. 3♠ is “idle” anyway .
2NT rebid 3♣ is a Wolff relay to 3♦ . This allows a
partnership to escape out of 2NT , check back for a
major , show weaker major suit hands , show weaker suits , and use an idle 3NT
bid as a slam try. Failure to use 3♣
( natural bidding ) is a “slam try” switch.
Forcing NT (1)
If the forcing NT bidder invites
with 2NT , use idle bids as a relay . This differentiates weak 5-5 , 5-4-3-1 & 6-4
‘s from weak distributional ones. The bid is “idle” anyway so it should signal a relay for memory purposes. This
idea attributable to Fred Gittleman . The relay shows the weaker 5-5
or 6-4 hands .
Forcing NT (2)
Opener invites with 2NT after a forcing NT . Still another place where
a relay is useful. A direct preference shows the limit raise.
Relay then a suit bid is a bail out . A direct bid
after 2NT shows values so slam exploration can take place. A relay is the great
Puppet Stayman Reverses
the Stayman asking process via a relay
. If no 5 card
major but 4 card majors , opener relays to 3♦ . This now asks responder to show
their majors via a transfer.
Rubensohl System of transfers rather than a relay. If you transfer into
their suit it is Stayman .
A direct 3NT shows a stopper In their suits.
3♣ SJS - The 3♣ strong
jump shift is the forcing
club part of a natural system & demands a relay to 3♦. The true nature of
the strong jump shift is
described after that. The concept of “breaking the relay” now comes into play
with strong or distributional hands. Breaking
the relay shows slam intentions immediately.
Heart Transfers – 1NT opening &
2♠ after a heart
transfer is a relay to 2NT & shows all invitational hands
Jacoby transfers , Texas transfers , “super acceptances” , game tries , asking bids , Bergen , serious 3NT are not relays per se . These bids convey information to partner where relays are just “puppet” bids to initiate a new sequence of meanings. Relays are a tool to throw a switch so new meanings for bids emerge. Failure to relay & breaking the relay are important inferences.
These tools are essential for partnerships to well - make them
established partnerships !!