Friday, February 17, 2006 6:22 AM

Hand Evaluation – Q Bids ( Setting the Trump Suit )




            There are many auctions in Bridge that “set the trump suit . All other bids are deemed to be Q bids thereafter. The most obvious automatic setting of the trump suit , is after a 2♣ opener with a 2response. A jump now by the 2♣ opener , says partner this is the trump suit so bid a control if you have one. Also if you open 2♣ , you bid & rebid your suit. That is the trump suit period , so the search for the fit has ended.


            Opening at the game level sets the suit. You do not rescue those bids. A bid by responder implies a fit for partners opening bid & interest in more.  The 4 level implies a fit or it is KCB in the game of Bridge. If partner opens & jump rebids at the 3 level, a 4 level bid by responder is assumed to promise a fit for the jumped suit unless clarified later with a distributional freak type of hand.



 3-P-4♣            This bid shows a diamond fit. Advanced Q bids only allowed at the 4 level !!     


A strong jump shift & a bid at the 4 level by responder shows a fit with the 2nd suit.



             3-P-4   shows a heart fit


            In a 4th suit forcing auction or XYZ  or a 2/1 auction there is a special understanding that a jump sets the trump suit.




3                This 3 bid does not show extra HCP’s but a solid or semi-solid suit that sets the trump suit.


            When a responder bids her suit & makes a jump rebid in that suit , that becomes the trump suit for the partnership. The bid shows  a solid or semi-solid suit so is similar to the old fashioned Goren strong jump shift. If responders suit was weaker , she would chose a 4th suit forcing route.



2♣-P-3♠-P   Spades are trump period . Partner would have chosen 4th suit forcing with weaker spades.


            Jumps in 2/1 auctions are misunderstood. They are not a strength showing bid. The jump shows a solid or semi-solid suit & may have extra HCP’s but not necessarily.


            I was playing with Chris Buchanan tonight , the auction went



3-P-3-P            Q bid in support of hearts as 3 set the trump suit

3NT-P-4-P          Diamond control but no club control


6-P-P-P                     Chris hand ♠xx  AQJ109xx Q10 ♣Ax    My hand ♠A Kxx KJ98x ♣QJxx


            When you have the suit for the bid , jump to show it ! Announcing the trump suit early simplifies auctions so Q bids come into effect. I disagree with the “Edmonton” definition of a jump to show a solid or semi-solid suit. In my mind , suit quality is examining the spot cards to make a suit solid or semi-solid. If KCB can find cards to make a suit solid , we define the suit to be “semi-solid”.


            Two over one auctions with a minor & a subsequent jump not only sets the suit but is KCB !



 2-P-4    diamonds are trump & respond your Aces please. Some “lone ranger” sequences when opener or responder keeps bidding their suit forever means that the trump suit is established.