Friday, May 14, 2004 1:51 AM

Hand Evaluation  - Signals ( Pseudo Squeezes )




        The art of signaling . It is called an art because there are no hard and fast rules. Signaling is very much a “depending on context” tool. Partner must read between the lines with both partners being  aware of the situation. This is because signals can vary from attitude to count  to suit preference  depending on the contract level, type of contract , trumps involved or a myriad of other factors. The meaning of the word attitude changes depending on the level of the contract. In a partial or game , attitude means that you should continue your suit or make an obvious switch. In a game , there can be some suit preferences built in when there is a “known count “ situation. In 6NT or slams generally , there is only one meaning for attitude. This is the suit I am going to protect for pseudo squeeze situations.


            The best players have an understanding that when partner  leads a suit , attitude takes precedence in partials & games. The 2nd round it is original count and even third round the signal  could be suit preference. If declarer leads any suit count is given first , suit preference second round as attitude is meaningless. However , even these understanding vary depending on context. Here is an example . The contract is 1NT , I lead the spade queen and small from the board . We play upside down count and attitude . Partner plays the deuce saying he likes my lead ( count when playing Smith Echos ) . I get in again , continue spades all well and good. I lead the spade queen against 3NT , partner plays the deuce . I get in again so continue spades. We beat 3NT. In 6 NT , I lead the queen of spades and partner plays the deuce. This does not mean he likes the suit that is ridiculous - he is giving count. Why ? because 6NT is quite often a matter of defending against squeezes real and imaginary. It is far more important to give count then attitude when partner leads a suit at that rarified atmosphere. I lead the spade queen once in a  6NT contract , partner gave me attitude saying he did not like spades. I got the wrong count of the hand so declarer made it as I discarded wrong. I get an entire count of the hand , if partner just gave me the correct count in spades at trick one . Only a 17 IMP swing.


            In a game contract,  if it is obvious that the declarer is rectifying the count for a squeeze , a discard changes its meaning. Instead of attitude ( whether odd /even or a different method ) saying switch to this suit  its saying this is the suit I am guarding ,  you better take care of the other one. The opponents were in 4♠ tonight so declarer setup a threat in diamonds on the board . This meant  I had to hold on to my 4th diamond. There was AKx of clubs on the board and I held Jxxxx. I had to know whether I need needed to protect clubs or not . This could be done by a count situation . I knew how many diamonds declarer had as he ruffed the 3rd round. I knew he had 6 trump so he is 6-2 and a count would fill in the blanks. However,  it is sometimes too difficult to discard showing count. You might waste a high spot needed to keep the suit intact. It is easier to show by discarding thereby  signaling that this is the suit I am guarding ( attitude ) so you better hold on the other. Partner plays an odd heart so I know I must keep 3 clubs . No pseudo squeeze & if there is a real squeeze then your partners better play it just as well. Squeeze defense is attitude rather than count when it comes to discards.


            In a 6 NT contract , showing count by discarding is too difficult. Attitude again has one meaning & message in a slam . This is the suit I am guarding in squeeze situations.  If you can get away with it , count applies second round of the original suit lead. A high card shows  an original odd number and a low card an original even number. If declarer leads a suit in 6NT or many other contracts , the first signal is count  and the second round is suit preference saying that is the suit I am going to guard. No not get carried away with odd/even discards in slam contracts. A high odd card discard could be just giving count . Again “depending on context”.


            There are other tricks of the trade with reverse Smith echos. Declarer in 6NT is running a solid suit where count needs not to be shown . Count will be shown when you show out !  The order in which you follow suit shows the suit you going to keep in a pseudo squeeze situation. Following with the middle one first means you have nothing to say . Following with a high one first with an eventual  low card ( 3rd round )  means that I am keeping the lower ranking of the two suits. High then low followed by middle says I am guarding the higher ranking of the two remaining suits. Reverse Smith echos were designed to say I like you lead partner.  However , in a slam the meaning changes. All that is important in 6NT contracts in particular is not giving the declarer the contract on a pseudo squeeze. Telling partner by the order of following suit  is a handy way of avoiding pseudo squeezes. Fatal discards just hand contracts to declarer quite often.


            Watch for 2Nd round signals, when declarer plays a suit you lead . Partner will attempt to show you original count in a game contract. This could get you off a pseudo squeeze. Following suit in slams is always count and discards are mainly attitude meaning that that’s the suit I am keeping for squeeze situations. However when it cannot be attitude , it is count. Defending slams takes skill.