Monday, April
25, 2005 11:10 AM
Evaluation – Signals ( Patterns & Count )
Translating bidding into
patterns should be 2nd nature
for good defenders. Their bidding
is not the exclusive property of their
partnership so you can help yourself to the information
for defensive purposes. This is why experts ask a lot of questions on their bidding. They want to get a tentative
count of the hand
& not just to learn their bidding system J . You plug their
bidding into a pattern so you are off to an excellent
start for defensive purposes. You base your opening lead on the pattern that you have developed ( translated ) from
the bidding.
hard auctions for defenders are the 1NT – 3NT auctions or the
jump to game auctions . The bidding has given you no
clue on how to lead or how to form a plan for defense. Here is where signaling
comes in. Partner has a duty to give count when declarer is playing a suit ( attitude
when you are leading a suit ) . You take this
signal & plug it into a pattern
to guide your defense. You know what suits to keep , how many tricks declarer has , avoiding end plays ,
squeezes and all sorts of defensive plays based on the “count” of declarers
hand. 2nd
discards are defined as original
or present count
by established partnerships depending on their agreement. Of course the 1st
discard is odd/even or attitude
whatever your partnership has agreed. The odd/even scheme is far superior to
standard in that declarer cannot false card. Your card is either even or odd so
declarer cannot practice deception. The 2Nd discard in a suit - if it is
a high spot says I had an
original odd number, a low card an original even number of cards in that suit having
that particular agreement.
Lets do some examples
Dummy ♠ Axx ♥ Kxx ♦ QJ10 ♣ xxxx
You ♠
K10xx ♥ Qxx ♦ xxx ♣ Jxx
You lead the spade deuce
, partner plays the queen ,
returns a spade with declarer playing the jack & ducking your King.
You return a spade
, the Ace wins on the board , partner follows & declarer throws a heart. Ok
1st pattern to plug in is the spade suit. 4-4-3-2
with declarer having 2 spades. Declarer now starts the diamond from the board , partner shows out on the 3rd diamond
discarding the heart 3. You play odd/even
discards so partner likes hearts. The diamond pattern is 5-3-3-2 so declarer
has 5 diamonds to run . On the 4th diamond
you let a heart go , partner discards the 9 of hearts.
This shows an original odd number
of hearts ( 2nd discard ) . Was it 3 or 5 ? It cannot be 3 as partner has stiffed down to the Ace of
hearts so give partner an original 5 hearts.
The heart pattern is 5-3-3-2 so declarer has only two hearts
! Declarers pattern is now
complete and he opened an off shape 1NT with ♠Jx
♥Jx ♦AKxxx ♣AKxx . On the 5th diamond you
let another heart go as a club sluff will give him
the contract. Partner has only two clubs ( Qx ) so your jack of clubs is the killer. You may
have kept your jack of clubs anyway but partners signals demanded that you keep your club.
Get into the habit of plugging signals into
patterns. You will be rewarded +100 instead of –630 !!