Friday, March 05, 2004 4:21 AM

Hand Evaluation - Slam Hands ( Patterns )




            Two interesting slam hands came up today with a lesson attached , you hear the auction go


1♠ - p – 3- p

 3- p – 4♣ -P  

4NT – p – 5 -p

 6  all pass . 


The 3 was conventional showing a limit raise in spades .You decide to go passive with this hand  xx xx KJxxKxxxx ,  lead a trump & the board comes down with


            Kxxx  xx Q109  AQJx       


Declarer wins your trump lead in his  hand , crosses to the spade King & everybody follows. He plays A♣ , Q♣ discarding a diamond so you are in . Now what ? As usual , patterns are your guide with assistance from the way declarer is playing the hand . If declarers heart bid was natural showing 4 or 5 hearts declarer is either 5-5-2-1 or 5-4-3-1 . With either of those patterns , if declarer has the diamond Ace  , you are not getting a diamond trick as the next diamond is getting discarded on the ♣J . OK the worst case scenerio is you finesse yourself out of the diamond King if declarer has Ace 4th of diamonds. Wait a minute - if declarer has Axxx opposite Q109 , would he be trying for quick pitches on the club suit ? You win your club , lead a diamond back to partners Ace & beat the slam otherwise they make 6 off two cashable diamonds. Declarer did not Q bid 4 over 4♣ because he did not have a diamond control !! Very bad bidding but a good result for him ,  if you are not on your toes.


            Another hand ♠xx Qxxxxx xxxxx , the auction goes


1♠ - p – 3 ( splinter ) – 4NT 

 6♠ - p – p – x


What do you lead ?  Partner has advertised probably 6-6 in the minors . A heart void is very likely with the lead directing double . Golden rule : if partner is not making a lead directing double you should treat it as one anyway. You lead a heart , partner ruffs & cashes the diamond Ace . Any other lead , the slam makes. The lesson on both these hands is translating bidding into patterns to assist you . With the help of declarers line of play & partner’s double you beat both slams as you have a blueprint to follow..


As an aside there is another rule . If the opponents freely bid a slam other than when you own the auction  & they are in an obvious sacrificing situation , penalty doubles do not exist . If the opening leader doubles ,  he is “asking permission” to sacrifice by way of a D.S.I.P. double . If the other partner doubles , it is lead directing. You do not try to “punish” freely bid slams by the opponents. Just take your plus & go on to the other hand. This leaves doubles of freely bid slams to have other meanings.